Page 295 - It Ends with Us
P. 295
To Vanc e. Tha nk you for bei ng the hu sband my mother des er ved
and the father you didn’t ha ve to be.
My hu sband , Hea th. You are good, all the way to your soul. I
couldn’t ha ve cho sen a bet ter pers on to father my chi ldren and spend
the res t of my life with. We are all so lucky to ha ve you.
To my mother. You are ev er ything to ev er yone. Tha t can somet imes
be a burden, but you someho w see burdens as bles sing s. Our ent ire
family tha nk s you.
And last but no t lea st, to my damned ol’ daddy, Eddie. You aren’ t
here to see thi s book come to life, but I kno w you would ha ve been its
bigges t supporter. You taught me many thi ng s in life—t he grea tes t
bei ng that we don’t ha ve to end up the same pers on we onc e were. I
promise no t to remember you based on your worst days. I will
remember you based on the bes t, and there were many. I will
remember you as a pers on who was able to overc ome wha t many
canno t. Tha nk you for bec oming one of my closes t friend s. And tha nk
you for supporting me on my wed ding day in a way tha t many fathers
would no t ha ve. I love you. I miss you.