Page 294 - It Ends with Us
P. 294


                There    may  onl y  be  one     na me  listed   as  the   autho r  of  thi s  book,  but  I
                couldn’t ha ve  written  it witho ut the  following  peo ple:
                    My   sisters.   I   would   love   you   both   just   as   much   if   you   wer en’t   my
                sisters . Sha ring  a parent  with  you is just an  added  bonu s.

                    My   chi ldren.    You   are   my   bigges t   accomplishm ent       in   life.   Plea se
                nev er  make  me  reg ret  saying  tha t.
                    To Web lich,  CoHorts, TL Discussion  Group, Book Swap, and  all the
                other    groups  I  can  turn  to  online  when       I  need   some  positive  energ y.
                You  guys  are    a  hu ge   part  of  the   rea son   I  can   do  thi s  for  a  living ,  so

                tha nk  you.
                    The    ent ire   tea m   at   Dystel    &   Goderi ch     Litera ry   Mana gem ent .
                Tha nk  you for your cont inu ed  support and  enc ouragem ent .
                    Ever yone    at   Atria   Books.   Tha nk    you   for   making    my   rel ea se   days
                mem orable  and  some  of the  bes t days of my life.
                    Joha nna   Castillo,  my  ed itor.  Tha nk   you  for      supporting   this  book.
                Tha nk     you   for   supporting      me.    Tha nk    you   for   bei ng    the   bigges t

                supporter  of my drea m job.
                    To  Ellen  DeG eneres ,  one  of  onl y  four  peo ple  I  ho pe  I  nev er  meet .
                You  are  light   where     there   is  darknes s.  Lily  and   Atlas  are   gratef ul  for
                your shi ne.
                    My  bet a-rea ders   and   ea rly  supporters   of  ea ch  and   ev er y  book.  Your
                feed back,  support,  and   cons tant   friend shi p  are  more  tha n  I  des er ve.   I

                love  you all.
                    To   my   ni ec e.    I   will   get    to   meet    you   any    day   no w,   and    I’ve   nev er
                been  so ex cited . I’m going  to be  your favorite  aunt .
                    To  Lind y.  Tha nk   you  for  the  life  les sons   and   the  ex amples   of  wha t
                it   is   to   be   a   sel fles s   hu man.    And    tha nk    you   for   one   of   the   most
                profound   quotes   tha t  will  stick  with  me  forev er.  “The re  is  no  such  thi ng
                as   bad   people.  We  are  al l  just  people  who   do   bad   thi ngs.”   I’m  gratef ul  my

                baby sister  ha s you for a mother.
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