Page 292 - It Ends with Us
P. 292

for   the   bet ter,   some   risks   are   nev er   worth   taking .   Espec ially   when

                tho se  risks ha ve  failed  you in  the  past.
                    Bef ore  I  wrote  thi s  book,  I  ha d  a  lot  of  res pec t  for  my  mother.  Now
                tha t  I’ve  fini shed   it  and   was  able  to  ex plore  a  tiny   fraction  of  the  pain
                and  struggle  she  went  thro ugh  to get  to where  she  is today, I onl y ha ve
                one  thi ng  to say to her.
                    I wan t to be you whe n I grow up.
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