Page 11 - Poze magazine 58
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                Ed Sheeran is                                        Taylor    Swift    was    sued     for

                being sued for                                       copyright  infringement  over  her
                                                                     song  "Shake  It  Off."  The  plaintiffs
                copyright                                            were the songwriters of the 2001

                infringement over                                    song  "Playas  Gon'  Play,"  which
                                                                     was  recorded  by  the  girl  group
                his hit song                                         3LW. The case was settled out of
                                                                     court in 2017, with Swift agreeing
                "Thinking Out                                        to pay an undisclosed sum to the

                Loud."                                               plaintiffs.

                                                                     Led  Zeppelin  was  sued  for
                                                                     copyright  infringement  over  their
                                                                     song  "Stairway  to  Heaven."  The
                                                                     plaintiffs  were  the  heirs  of  Randy
                                                                     California, who co-wrote the 1968
                                                                     song  "Taurus"  by  Spirit.  The  case
                                                                     went  to  trial  in  2020,  and  a  jury
                                                                     found  in  favor  of  Led  Zeppelin.
                                                                     However,      the   plaintiffs   have
                                                                     appealed  the  verdict,  and  the
                                                                     case is still pending.
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