Page 54 - IAADFS Summit 2023 Special Edition
P. 54


                                                                               London Supply’s flagship Duty Free Shop in
                                                                               Puerto Iguazú, located in Argentina on the
                                                                               border with Brazil, hosted the launch of the
                                                                               upscale Parfums de Marly, in March.

                                                                                  “The Caribbean market has recovered
                                                                               very well. Tourism in 2022 was close to
                                                                               90% of what it was in 2019. And 2023
                                                                               will be +10 or more. Tourism is back. That
                                                                               is good for us. It is good for the retailers.
                                                                               And the cruises are booming—and they
                                                                               bring more people. And we distribute to the
                                                                               cruises, so we are happy,” he added.
                                                                                  Guillaume Bona sees the cruise sector
                                                                               as an excellent opportunity for Caribbean
                                                                               growth because cruise ships brought some
                                                                               30 million tourists to the islands pre-
                                                                                  “Remember, one booking brings a
                                                                               passenger to several island ports, giving
                                                                               them several chances to buy,” he stressed.
          Recovery underway                 Latin America were already trending 2019,   In fact, Guillaume Bona cited figures
              Essence Corp. is seeing some nice   so there was already recovery happening in   showing that current perfume sales onboard
          recovery in the Americas now and is   2022 and expectations are much better this   the cruise ships in the Caribbean are above
          optimistic that this recovery will continue.       year,” commented Antoine Bona.  2019 levels.
              “Perfume has just exploded. In the   “People can travel, and Latin America   He also points out that sales in the
          U.S., sales are up 20%. They are way ahead   is recovering faster than most other   Caribbean are not restricted only to tourists.
          of 2019,” noted Jean Jacques Bona.  markets. Another plus, Miami was the   “The share of the sales between the
              “Figures we saw last November from   busiest international airport in the U.S. last   tourist and local customer is more or
                                            year,” he said.                    less 50-50, depending on the brand and
                                                Furthermore, the lack of Asian   the retailer, especially in islands like St.
                                            passengers did not significantly impact   Croix,” he noted.
                                            Essence Corp.’s business, which is    With reports showing full hotels and
                                            primarily fragrance brands in North   strong forward bookings, the company
                                            America and South America, as opposed to   expects this market to remain strong.
                                            skincare brands.
                                                “The airports that generate the most   Surviving the pandemic
                                            business for Essence Corp. are Miami,   The Essence Corp. team instituted
                                            Orlando, Dallas, Houston, JFK, Atlanta,   quite a number of new practices and
                                            and Toronto – and even there we sell more   updated systems to better manage the
                                            to passengers from the Americas than we   business during the pandemic.
                                            do to the Asian passengers,” confirmed   “We’ve had some very good best
                                            Antoine Bona.                      practices put into place. I think that our
                                                                               inventory management is way better than
                                            Huge market share in the Caribbean  it has ever been because we analyze on a
                                                Essence Corp. has a major market   daily basis and categorize each sku, we
                                            presence throughout the Caribbean.   don’t allow ourselves to accumulate bad
                                                “We have close to 50% market share   inventory,” commented Antoine Bona.
                                            in the Caribbean, between 45-50%. We   Speaking from a marketing
                                            work with all the independent perfumeries   viewpoint, Gabi Medeiros Humbles
          Essence Corp’s Jean-Jacques Bona addresses   and with retailers that have stores across   added: “We naturally had to transition
          the team as the company kicks off its 35th year   multiple islands,” says Guillaume Bona,   our communication into Teams and Zoom
          in business.                      Vice President of Sales for the Caribbean.   meetings, which helped everyone work

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