Page 666 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 666


                  UK average new car CO 2 emissions are at an    2007. However, to reach the EU 2020 new car CO 2
 Table 1 Data Summary  all-time low, falling to 124.6g/km in 2014. This   target of 95g/km, this reduction needs to average
                  represents 2.9% decrease on 2013 (128.3 g/     approximately 4.2% per year. Furthermore, the
 2000  2007  2013  2014  km) and a 24% fall from average new car CO 2   cost associated with eliminating one unit of
                  emissions levels in 2007 (164.9 g/km). The 2014   pollution, will rise for each further gram of CO 2.
 Total  181.0  164.9  128.3  124.6  UK new car CO 2 average is below the EU 130g/  The easiest gains seem to have already been
 Registrations    km 2015 target by 5.4 g/km or 4.2%. The average   made, and looking forward we may expect the
 (000s)  2,222  2,404  2,265  2,476  rate of CO 2 emissions reduction since 2007 has   average rate of new car CO 2 emissions to reduce
 Diesel  167.7  164.3  129.0  124.9  been 3.5%, a significant improvement compared   at a slower pace.
 Regs (000s)  313  967  1,127  1,240  with a 1.3% average reduction between 2000 and
 Petrol  183.2  193.6  128.8  126.5
 Fuel type
 Regs (000s)  1,908  1,420  1,105  1,184  Chart 1 Average new car CO 2  vs EU new car targets
 AFV  127.3  127.0  95.5  75.9
 Regs (000s)  0  17  33  52  200
 Private  176.4  165.9  129.5  126.3
 Regs (000s)  1,212  1,046  1,075  1,179  175   181.0
 Fleet  175.4  165.8  127.2  123.0
 Sales type                                 164.9
 Regs (000s)  1,031  1,195  1,084  1,178  150
 Business  195.0  164.2  128.1  124.5  CO 2 g/km
 Regs (000s)  214  163  106  119  125                    128.3                     130.0
 Mini  153.8  128.5  105.2  106.7                                     124.6
 Regs (000s)  52  22  80  84  100
 Supermini  152.9  141.8  117.6  114.7                                                           95.0
 Regs (000s)  689  771  813  885  75
 Lower Medium  175.3  158.6  121.2  117.4  2000  2007    2013          2014      2012-15 EU   2020 EU new
 Regs (000s)  662  722  588  647                                                new car target  car target
 Upper Medium  192.4  169.1  126.4  123.2
 Regs (000s)  477  386  208  229  Complementing the EU’s focus in reducing CO 2   The UK new car market recorded strong demand
 Executive  235.6  192.6  140.8  134.3  emissions, regulation has also focussed on the   growth in 2014, up 9.3% on 2013 and above
 Segment          reduction of other pollutant emissions to improve   pre-recession levels. From 2011 to 2014 car
 Regs (000s)  105  104  120  120
 Luxury  292.3  273.8  198.7  194.2  air quality. Successive legislation through Euro   registrations grew by over 0.535 million to reach
 Regs (000s)  11  13  8  10  standards has tightened emission limits for a   2.476 million, a 27.6% increase in registrations.
 Sports  220.5  224.0  168.5  170.2  range of pollutants over time. Euro 6, the latest   Sales to private buyers accounted for two-thirds
 Regs (000s)  67  66  48  43  regulation, was introduced 1 September 2014 and   of the overall growth in volume. This three
 Dual Purpose  259.4  228.3  166.6  158.3  is mandatory for the registration and sale of new   year period featured a significant growth in the
 Regs (000s)  99  176  248  292  types of cars as of 1 September 2015, and vans   availability and take-up of AFVs, zero and ultra
 MPV  211.0  179.7  139.7  135.0  a year later. The automotive industry has made   low emission cars. SMMT estimates also show
 Regs (000s)  60  144  151  166  significant strides in reducing overall vehicle   used car sales volumes grew by 0.22 million
                  emissions over recent years, simultaneously    between 2011 and 2014 to a level of 7.19 million.
                  responding to the issue of air quality and     This implies a distinct switch at the margin to
 Definitions  Disclaimer  climate change. With progressively stricter Euro   buying new rather than used cars, specifically,
 This publication contains general information and, although   standards together with strict CO 2 legislation   two new for every one used car.
 Hybrid – a hybrid vehicle uses two or more   SMMT endeavours to ensure that the content is accurate   there have been real improvements.
 and up-to-date at the date of publication, no representation
 distinct power sources to move the vehicle,    or warranty, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy
 eg petrol and electricity.  or completeness and therefore the information in this   Chart 2 UK new car registrations
 publication should not be relied upon. Readers should
 ULEV - an ultra low emission vehicle produces   always seek appropriate advice from a suitably qualified
 75g/km or less of CO 2. At the moment, all cars   expert before taking, or refraining from taking, any action.   2600
 that achieve this use electric power directly to   The contents of this publication should not be construed   2500
 turn the wheels at least some of the time, from a   as advice or guidance and SMMT disclaims liability for any   2400
 100% electric car to a plug-in hybrid and a range-  loss, howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly from   2300
 reliance on the information in this publication.
 extended electric vehicle.    2200
 Plug-in hybrid EV – is a hybrid electric vehicle   Registrations in 000s  2100
 which utilises rechargeable batteries, or another   2000
 energy storage device, that can be restored to
 full charge by connecting a plug to an external   1900
 electric power source.  1800
                               2007      2008      2009      2010      2011      2012      2013      2014

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