Page 667 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 667

AVERAGE NEW CAR CO 2 EMISSIONS                                                                                               MARKET TRENDS

                                                                                                                                         a. Fuel Types
            The graph below demonstrates a market shift    has significantly increased since, and in 2014
            towards lower emitting vehicles representing a   68.6% of UK new cars emitted less than 130g/                                CO 2 reductions were achieved across all fuel   electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid, range-extender
            higher share of the market. In 2000, only 0.9%   km of CO 2. This is an important improvement                                types in 2014. The increasing availability and   hybrid and hybrid electric vehicles. However, due
            of new cars registered fell under the 130g/    which illustrates that the UK is working towards                              uptake of alternative fuelled vehicles (AFVs) will   to petrol and diesel engines becoming cleaner
            km band, the 2015 EU target. This proportion   reaching EU set targets.                                                      be a key feature in 2014 and will be a critical   and less polluting, reductions can be attributed
                                                                                                                                         factor in driving down CO 2 emissions in the   to all fuel types. Diesel and petrol vehicles still
            Chart 3 CO 2  distribution by VED bands                                                                                      future. AFV registrations rose by 58.1% from   constitute the majority of new car registrations
                                                                                                                                         the previous year. In addition, the registration of   and have continued to rise in 2014, with diesel
                15%                                                                                                                      electric vehicles has risen, experiencing higher   car sales outperforming petrol sales for the
                                   2000              2007              2013             2014                                             figures across the four main categories: pure   fourth consecutive year.

               Market Share   10%                                                                                                          Chart 5 Mean CO 2  per fuel type             Chart 6 Registrations per fuel type

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AFV (on right axis)
                                                                                                                                     180    180  AFV   AFV DIESEL   DIESEL PETROL  PETROL      DIESEL   DIESEL PETROL  PETROL  (on right axis)
                                                                                                                                     160    160                                            1600   1600                        100    100
                 0%                                                                                                                  140    140                                            1400   1400                         90     90
                     0                                                                                                                                                                                                         80     80
                         55  65  75  85  95  105  115  125  135  145  155  165  175  185  195  205  215  225  235  245  255  256  275  285  295  301+  120   120                           1200   1200                         70     70
                                                     CO 2 g/km                                                                      CO 2  g/km   100   CO 2  g/km   100                   Registrations in 000’s  1000  Registrations in 000’s  1000   60   60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      50  000’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               50  000’s
            2014 also witnessed significant growth in      of transport emissions, and there has been a                               80     80                                             800    800                         40     40
            demand for alternative fuelled vehicles.       greater push from government to encourage                                  60     60                                             600    600                         30     30
            Improvements were especially seen in the       buyers through financial incentives. An example                            40     40                                             400    400                         20     20
            greater uptake of pure and other electric      is the Car and Van Plug-In Grant, in which the                             20     20                                             200    200
            vehicles, which is linked to stronger incentives   UK offers up to £5,000 in grants for electric and                                                                                                               10     10
            and regulation as well as improved consumer    plug-in cars and up to £8,000 for vans, along                               0    2007   2007 2010   2010 2013   2013 2014   2014   0   2007  0   2007 2010   2010 2013   2013 2014   0   0
            demand. New car registrations for plug-in      with tax exemptions. Moreover, hybrid vehicles
            electric vehicles grew four-fold, from 3,586   saw a significant increase in 2014 and remain
            in 2013 to 14,498 in 2014. Consumers are       dominant, driving the AFV market forward.
            increasingly aware of the environmental costs                                                                                The Shift towards Diesel                       its greater fuel efficiency, enhanced availability
                                                                                                                                                                                        and refinement. Diesel emits less CO 2 levels than
            Chart 4 Electric vehicle registrations 2010 - 2014                                                                           Market penetration of diesel has strengthened   petrol or other gas engine vehicles. Moreover,
                                                                                                                                         in almost all car segments since 2005 and in   diesel tends to be the preferred fuel for larger
                 60000                                                                                                                   the majority of cases it is the leading fuel type.   vehicle types, while for mini and sport vehicles
                                                                                                                                         Diesel has grown in prominence largely due to   petrol dominates.
                          Petrol/electric hybrid   Diesel/electric hybrid   Other electric   Pure electric

                                                                                                                                         Chart 7 Diesel share by segment
              Number of registrations  30000                                                                                               Market Share  100%   2005   2010    2014



                 10000                                                                                                                      25%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    H DUAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I MULTI
                     0                                                                                                                           A MINI   B SUPERMINI   C LOWER  D UPPER  E EXECUTIVE   F LUXURY  SPECIALIST  PURPOSE    PURPOSE
                             2010            2011            2012            2013           2014                                                                                                          SPORTS            VEHICLE
                 Note: other electric – plug-in hybrid and range-extenders
            Page 6 | New Car CO 2 Report              THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS                                     THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS                     New Car CO 2 Report | Page 7
   662   663   664   665   666   667   668   669   670   671   672