Page 673 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 673

DRIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                       DRIVERS OF DEVELOPMENT

            cars by the current VED bands. More than two    to £110. The overall CO 2 banding structure of                                Table 4 UK net total VED receipts             Company Car Tax
            in three new cars pay no VED and almost one    new and existing car VED regime has remained                                   from all vehicles
            in five existing cars pay £30 or less. Since April   stable. Most motorists would recognise this as                                                                         Company car tax has been linked to cars CO 2
            2010 new car VED has remained £0 for a car     a welcome stability during a period of significant                                                 2001/02 2011/12 2014/15   ratings since 2002. Company cars typically have
            emitting up to CO 2 130g/km. Also, for existing   increases in total household and business costs.                                                                          replacement cycles of up to three years, though
            cars the three rate values up to CO 2 120 g/   The VED rate for a Band G car was £155 at June                                 Graduated VED all cars  400  4,180  4,850     in some cases these have lengthened, possibly
            km have not changed and the value for the CO 2   2010. By April 2015 it was £180, a rise of £25 in                                                                          due to the recession. Also, since 2010, the regime
            band 121 to 130g/km is up by just £20 from £90   five years.                                                                  of which new cars   -          210     170    has set significant benefit-in-kind incentives for
                                                                                                                                                                                        those businesses and employees using zero and
             Table 3 UK VED graduated car regime bands and rates 2015/16 and shares of new                                                Private and Light   3,500   1,270      750    ultra low emission vehicles. These incentives
                                                                                                                                          Goods (PLG)
             cars & car parc                                                                                                              All VED all vehicles/                         change and diminish significantly over the
                                                                                                                                          licences            4,320   5,860   6,000     next five years. The essence of the changes is
                                    Car Parc year end 2014  Rate: £      New cars in 2014     Rate: £                                                                                   summarised in Table 6. By 2019/20 current plans
                                                                                                                                         Source: DVLA financial data and SMMT estimates  for the regime are for a 25% median-point of
                                                 All Parc                          All new                                                                                              an appropriate percentage of list price at a CO 2
              CO  values   Band      All Parc %  cumulative %  Standard  All new %  cumulative %  First Year
                                                                                  VED Band (CO2 values) –                                                                               rating of 105 to 109 – near the EU new car CO 2
         2013  <=100             A         3.3         3.3          0        17.7  1st year/standard VED rate  0                                                                        regulation’s 95g/km EU-wide market average
             101 - 110           B         4.7         8.0         20        15.9   A (Up to 100) - £0/£0   0                            Capital Allowances                             specification.  At 2013/14 the equivalent median
             111 - 120           C         8.4        16.4         30       20.7    B (101-110) - £0/£20   0                                                                            tax-point was 165 to <=169 g/km. When the
                                                                                    C (111-120) - £0/£30                                 Since 2009 capital allowances, a cost relief for   regime was first set in 2002/03 the appropriate
         2012  121 - 130         D          7.7       23.8        110       14.3    D (121-130) - £0/£105   0                            business investment against taxable profits,   percentage rate’s 25% median point was
             131 - 140           E         12.9       36.7        130        11.4   E (131-140) - £125/£125  130                         has been referenced to cars CO 2 ratings       referenced to a CO 2 rating of 215 to 219g/km. By
             141 - 150           F         12.2       48.9        145        6.8    F (141-150) - £140/£140   145                        and their status, new or used. The rates and
                                                                                    G (151-165) - £175/£175                                                                             this current tax year 2015/16, significant changes
         2007  151 - 165         G         16.4       65.3        180        6.5    H (166-175) - £285/£200  180                         corresponding CO 2 reference ratings for cars   will also affect the lowest CO 2 emitting vehicles
             166 - 175           H          7.2       72.5        205        2.2    I (176-185) - £335/£220   295                        were stable from 2009 to 2013, but changed from   and by 2019/20 the new or existing parc cars
             176 - 185            I        5.8        78.3        225        1.3    J (186-200) - £475/£260   350                        2013. The current rates are referenced to CO 2   with CO 2 emissions of up to 50g/km will see the
                                                                                    K (201-225) - £620/£280                              ratings to 95g/km, 96 to 130, and 131 and over. A
             186 - 200            J        5.7        84.0        265        1.4    L (226-255) - £840/£475  490                                                                        appropriate percentage of the car’s list price rise
         2000                                                                                                                            first year allowance is set at 100% for new cars   from 5% at 2015/16 to 16%.
             201 - 225           K         5.0        89.1        290        1.0    M (Over 255) - £1,065/£490  640                      with ratings up to 95g/km; 18% for the main pool
             226 - 255           L          3.1       92.1        490        0.5        99.6        870                                  of 96 to 130g/km and 8% for the special pool
             >255        20%     M   40%    2.9   60%  95.0    80%        100%          100       1,100                                  of 131 and over. At Budget 2014 the coalition
             unknown                    Market share  100                                                                                government extended the First Year Allowance   Table 6 Company car taxation regime
                                                                                                                                         for a further three years until 31 March 2018.   2013 to 2019P and 2014 parc and new
                                                                                                                                         From April 2018, the carbon dioxide emissions
            Chart 11 VED bands and new car market share 2000 – 2014                                                                      threshold will be cut from 95 g/km to 75 g/    cars shares in total
                                                                                                                                         km. The table below, table 5, illustrates the car
                                                                                                                                         capital allowances regime and its distribution in   CO 2  2013/  All   All  2015/  2017/   2019/
                                                                                   VED Band (CO2 values) –                                                                              g/km   14   Parc  New   16  18*      20
          2013                                                                     1st year/standard VED rate                            terms of the UK car parc at the end of 2014 and                     appropriate percentage
                                                                                                                                         new car registrations in 2014.
                                                                                     A (Up to 100) - £0/£0
                                                                                  A (to 100)                                                                                                                  of car list price taxed
                                                                                     B (101-110) - £0/£20
                                                                                  B (101-110)
                                                                                     C (111-120) - £0/£30
                                                                                  C (111-120)                                                                                             0     0  0.03% 0.27%  5    9       16
          2012                                                                    D (121-130)
                                                                                     D (121-130) - £0/£105
                                                                                  E (131-140)                                             Table 5 UK capital allowances CO 2            <=50    5  0.04% 0.31%  5    9       16
                                                                                     E (131-140) - £125/£125
                                                                                  F (141-150)
                                                                                     F (141-150) - £140/£140
                                                                                  G (151-165)                                             bands/rates and percentage shares of           51-75  5  0.01% 0.08%  9    15      19
                                                                                     G (151-165) - £175/£175
             2007                                                                 H (166-175)
                                                                                     H (166-175) - £285/£200
          2007                                                                    I (176-185)                                             all new cars and car parc
                                                                                     I (176-185) - £335/£220
                                                                                  J (186-200)                                                                   18% - 96 to   131 g/km   76-94  10  0.36% 2.19%  13  17      22
                                                                                     J (186-200) - £475/£260
                                                                                  K (201-225)                                                        to 95g/km   130 g/km   and over
                                                                                     K (201-225) - £620/£280
             2000                                                                 L (226-255)                                                                                           95-99  11  0.65% 3.52%  14   18      23
                                                                                     L (226-255) - £840/£475
          2000                                                                    M (Over 255)                                                         100%
                                                                                     M (Over 255) - £1,065/£490                           allowance   first year   standard   special    100-
                                                                                                                                          type                  allowance  allowance     104   12  2.21% 11.34%  15  19      24
                 0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%  100%                                                                      allowance
              0%          20%         40%          60%          80%        100%                                                           All car parc                                   105-  13  1.58% 6.82%  16   20      25
                                          Market share                                                                                    at 2014          1.1%      18.5%      80.4%    109
            The implication in terms of stable nominal total   81% of all VED. Vans and cars with no CO 2 rating                          All new
                                         Market share
            revenues from VED on all vehicles, but declines   comprise the other significant aspect, at just                              cars in 2014     6.4%      62.2%      31.4%
            in real terms is summarised in table 4 . The   below 13%.                                                                                                                   Source: Budget Statements to March 2015
            graduated car VED regime now accounts for
            Page 12 | New Car CO 2 Report             THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS                                     THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS                    New Car CO 2 Report | Page 13
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