Page 37 - Demo
P. 37
%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023Speech andLanguage Support for 3-5s2.1.0 How Communication Friendly is your Setting?(Devised by Jo Belsten and adapted from ECaT 2011, Elizabeh Jarman %u2013 CFS toolkit and the IDP %u2013 supporting speech and enabling environments for communication friendly settings 0-3)CONSIDER Rate1-5ACTION YOU COULD TAKEPHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (Inside and out)ResourcesHave you a range of resources that are linked to the developmental stage of the children?Have you a range of resources that are linked to the children%u2019s interests?Do you have well resourced, specific book areas that are linked to the development stage of the children?Can the children choose freely and help themselves to a suitable range of books and resources?DistractionsDo you try and ensure adults are not carrying out jobs in view or earshot during key group or story time?Are you aware of noise levels in the room %u2013 do you have quieter and noisier zones?Is your area generally visually calm and clutter free?Visual supportAre drawers, boxes and resources at eye level so children can easily find what they want?Can the children easily see and reach into boxes, baskets or containers? If not, are the boxes clearly labelled with a photo and text?Can the youngest children see the range of play opportunities easily?Do you support your routine stories and rhymes with props?Do you use visual timetables so the children understand the sequence of the day and any changes that might happen?Does the visual timetable include simple pictures/photos? Are the photos of your setting and not from the internet or another source?LayoutIs a snug quiet area available for children to relax, have a converation, and share a book?