Page 11 - Leading and managing people in the new normal
P. 11
1.5 Managing a COVID-19 case in workplace Key actions
It is recommended that managers prepare for the possibility that there will a case/s of COVID-19 • Refer to the managing COVID-safe workplaces
in the workplace and be ready to respond immediately, appropriately and effectively, following manager fact sheet (page 4 onwards) to
advice from health authorities. understand the process.
At a high level, the process involves:
Isolate person suspected of Call 13 43 25 84 to seek advice Identify and inform employees
COVID-19 and arrange transport about informing employees who who have had close contact
to home or medical facility. are close contacts. with person.
Your local HR team is also available for advice
5. REVIEW RISKS and support as your Employee Assistance
4. CLEAN 6. RETURN TO WORK Service provider who can provide free,
Review risk management controls
Clean and disinfect the areas relating to COVID and make Follow advice of public health unit confidential counselling 24/7.
relevant area/s. changes, where required. regarding the return to work of
11 affected employee.