Page 9 - Leading and managing people in the new normal
P. 9
1.3 Health and wellbeing (cont.) Key actions
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs helps us understand the importance of having certain needs met in order to have a • Ask each team member to do a personal
safe, healthy, and fulfilling life. He proposes that each tier must be met before being able to achieve the next, wellbeing check by asking themselves:
starting with physiological needs. Below these needs are depicted in a work context. • How am I feeling in general?
• How am I feeling in terms of my work and
It is a good way of thinking about how you prioritise your team’s (and your own) health and wellbeing. Throughout workload?
this pack, information provided will help you support your team to achieve these needs and motivations. • Are there any areas where I need more
What it is about What it can look like • What do I need to feel supported?
• Am I practising self-care? If not, how can I
Leading and motivating, being Self-actualisation Doing meaningful and purposeful work. • Talk to you team about any concerns they may
knowledgeable and independent needs Creating work-life balance. have.
Giving and receiving feedback in virtual
Recognition, feelings of achievement Esteem needs teams. Celebrating and recognising
and getting feedback success.
Connecting with colleagues, Staying connected in a virtual or remote
productive work relationships Belonging needs team environment. Staying connected
and team cohesion with family and friends.
Creating work-life balance.
Stable employment, a
safe work environment Safety needs Feeling stressed and anxious over
and psychological safety finances, living arrangements and
safety, including care responsibilities.
Health, nutrition and Physiological needs Concerned about using public transport
being well rested and safety in the workplace.