Page 13 - Leading and managing people in the new normal
P. 13
2.1 Benefits of working in the workplace Key points
Many employees have experienced the benefits of working remotely during COVID-19 as well as some • Working flexibly or remotely has its benefits,
challenges. Coming together at the workplace can support wellbeing, productivity, connection and so does working in the workplace—discuss
collaboration due to the effectiveness of physical proximity. However, all of these things can be achieved these amongst your team.
virtually but the experience can be different. Employee feedback gathered in May-June 2020?? has highlighted
this and is consistent with external, third-party research. Our opportunity is to balance the benefits of • Identify ways to balance the ‘best of both
working flexibly, remotely and within the workplace. worlds’ and trial different ways of working.
• What you develop needs to benefit both you
and your team members, not one or the other.
Access to technology and ‘Corridor conversations’ • Agree on a trial period and then review and
equipment and informal meeting discuss what is and isn’t working. Tweak, and
(e.g. printers and scanners) opportunities try again.
Observational learning
Social connection
Ad hoc problem solving and Ability to understand the Further resources
decision making mood or vibe of the
workplace on a given day
Fact-to-face collaboration, Incidental exercise, in
workshopping and particular, walking to and from
whiteboarding public transport