Page 235 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 235

Guide for Liability Insurance

         a claim against each other for injury or damage falling
         within the scope of the policy. These are called 'Cross
         Claims' and the payment of such claims is provided by
         the 'Cross-liabilities Clause'. Each such person is deemed
         to be a separate insured as if a separate policy is issued
         to that person, subject to the total liability not exceeding
         the limit of indemnity stated in the Schedule.

Q4. Attempt any 2:
         (a) Briefly state the notification phase of liability
         claims - Ref Q9 (a) of May 2010

Ans. A Policy condition provides for early notification of
         accident of any claim against the Insured or any event
         which may give rise to a claim. Notice is required by
         insurers to initiate immediate investigation to gather all
         factual information on the basis of the thorough
         examination of all circumstances surrounding the claim.

         Sooner an investigation is conducted, greater and more
         accurate the data can be obtained. Notice is required
         even when a formal claim is not made against insured.
         There are many events which results in claims in future.
         The insurer would like to be in a state of preparedness
         to deal with such potential claims. Notification has to
         be followed by completion of claim form provided by
         the insurers.

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