Page 233 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 233
Guide for Liability Insurance
Q3. Attempt any 3:
(a) Mention the method of reinsurance useful for new
class of business in liability - Quota share treaty
is an useful method of reinsurance for new class
of business in liability. This involves a
considerable loss of premium income to the ceiling
company because the ceding company is obliged
to cede under the treaty even policies which can
be safely retained by it. However, since the new
class of business is yet to acquire sufficient
experience,this methods become useful for them.
(b) What is liability faced by MTO ?
Ans. Ref Q9 of May 2011
The policy provides indemnity where the insured is liable
(i) a customer or third-party for loss or damage to cargo
in the insured's care, custody or control.
(ii) a third party for death, bodily injury or damage to
(iii) a customer or third-party for errors and omissions
or professional negligence.
(iv) an Authority for fines and duty.
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