Page 234 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 234

The Insurance Times

         (c) Tort liability - Apart from the purchaser, who is a
         party to the contract, claims for injury or damage may
         also be preferred by a member of the public who has no
         contractual relationship with the manufacturer,
         wholesaler or retailer, e.g a relative or friend of the
         purchaser. Liability in such cases arises under the law
         of torts and the principles of the Law negligence govern
         the situation.

         English Case Donoghue Vs Stevenson illustrates the
         law in this regard. Plaintiff drank from a bottle of ginger
         beer bought by a friend and fell ill as it contained remains
         of a snail. The defendant manufacturer was held liable.
         Lord Atkin's judgement made it clear that the
         manufacturer has a duty to take care in his process of
         manufacture. It was also established that persons other
         than the purchaser have a direct right of recovery against
         the manufacturer which arises in tort. The English Law
         has expanded the term 'manufacturer' to include
         repairers, assembler, erectors etc.

         (d) Cross liability - this clause is incorporated in the
         policy where more than one Insured is covered under
         the Policy.

         In certain circumstances, the insured persons can have

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