Page 238 - Liability Insurance IC74
P. 238

The Insurance Times

         (iii) Act of God or Vis Major - this has been defined as
              an event due to natural causes directly and
              exclusively without human intervention. E.g storms,
              earthquake, lightning etc.

         (iv) Emergency - if a person in a moment of imminent
              danger, acts in a way which causes injury to another,
              he will not be held liable in negligence if his act was
              not unreasonable in that difficult situation.

         (v) Contributory negligence - if the plaintiff suffers
              injury or damage is partly due to his own fault
              reduced according to the blame attaching to the

         (vi) Contracting out persons can relieve themselves or
              restrict their liability incorporating conditions in the
              agreements entered with other parties. As long as
              these conditions are not contrary to common law,
              they can be raised as the defence. It is necessary
              for the condition to be effectively brought to the
              attention of the other party whose consent
              expressed nine and are implied, is essential. For e.g,
              disclaimer notice in lift - "passengers and carried at
              own risk and responsibility."

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