Page 28 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 28


             tions, gambling, drugs, murdering of whistle blowers  it will be better to thrive in the mainstream economy
             thereby making life difficult for the ordinary citizens.  with pride, honour and peace of mind.
            Fake currency was freely flowing into financing of ter-   Black money and corruption go hand in hand. Each sup-
             rorists and naxalists making the government to spend  ports the other. If black money generation can be shat-
             heavily on encountering them.                       tered then corruption will  also be shattered to a great
                                                                 extent although it cannot be totally eliminated.
            A situation had developed in the country since indepen-
             dence and more so since liberalization that  honest tax-   The greatest gain has been in terms of peace restored
             paying and  law abiding  citizens were  sidelined,  to areas affected by terrorism and naxalsim. With fake
             marginalized  and made insignificant and those with  notes being rendered totally worthless the terrorists and
             black money, corruption money were getting predomi-  naxalists have no incentive to carry on their jobs and have
             nance over them and also becoming opinion makers and  to resort to other legal ways to survive. So also crimes,
             decision  makers of the country. This was the greatest  murders for gains, extortions, hawala trades  have come
             danger to the future of the country.                down to a great extent in all parts of country.
                                                               Jewellery and real estate businesses which were the
         The pain caused by demonetization                       darling of the people are now finding it difficult to find

            A disruption of this magnitude is bound to create dis-  customers.
             turbances and hardships to a large section of the popu-   Tax compliance will improve substantially leading to
             lation. The section of the population which suffered the  increased revenues for the government and may also
             greatest pain was the lower strata of society and those  result in reduced tax rates in the future.
             belonging to the informal sector. While the situation
                                                               The government will have more revenues due to greater
             was quickly resolved in metro and urban areas in the
                                                                 tax compliance and this could lead to greater social
             shortest possible time the same was not the case in rural  spending on health care, sanitation, primary and second-
             areas due to logistical and connectivity issues.
                                                                 ary education , water supply ,rural electrification,  roads,
            The hardships faced by the people were sought to be  transport and communications etc .These are bound to
             resolved through pumping fresh currency of lower de-  generate employment and the multiplier effect will be
             nomination notes and it is being targeted to resolve the  growth of further downstream and related industries.
             same by end of Dec 16 or latest by the middle of Jan 17.
            The growth in GDP of the country is bound to be de- Should we stop with mere demonetiza-
             pressed in the quarters of Dec 16 and Mar 17.
                                                              tion ?
            The hardships are not insurmountable and permanent
                                                               If the government stops with mere demonetization and
             in nature. It is only that there is a time lag in the reso-
                                                                 does not take any follow up measures then it would
             lution process.
                                                                 amount gross injustice to the crores of people who bore
                                                                 the pain. It is therefore the duty of the government to
         The gain caused by demonetization                       give to the people of this country the long term gain that

            The greatest gain of demonetization is that the hidden  it had assured as compensation for the short term pain.
             wealth  has come  into in the formal  mainstream   A big push should be given to cashless economy through
             economy. Of about 14.50 lakh crore  of SBNs about   the digital medium. This is the most opportune time to
             12.44 lakh crore have come to the banking system .This
                                                                 push people away from the black economy. They should
             will be available for lending to the productive segments  be forced to adopt the cashless mode whether they like
             of the economy.                                     it or not and they should not have any other alternatives.

            The black economy of the country has been completely   Adoption of the digital medium should be on a mission
             shattered. A fear of psychosis has been created that in
                                                                 mode on a national level. The younger generation, the
             future it will be worthless to generate black money and  schools and colleges, media and those who are familiar

            28 | 2017 | JANUARY                                                            | BANKING FINANCE

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