Page 26 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 26





         I    n the history of India's independence  since 1947 there  the fact that it covered 86% of the value of the notes in
              have been many incidents that have touched the lives
                                                              circulation. In a country where 90% of the transactions are
                                                              carried out in cash it was indeed a monumental and bold
              of a large number of citizens  like partition of the coun-
              try, bank nationalization, green revolution, white revo-
         lution , emergency, liberalization  to quote a few. The inci-  decision.
         dent which has touched each and every individual in the  When the Prime Minister announced the scheme he told the
         country   more than any other incident  is the demonetiza-  people of the country that they should bear the short term
         tion  of 1000 and 500 notes , by now known by the short  pain for which they will be compensated with long term gain.
         name- SBN- Specified Bank Notes, on 08/11/16.        There can be no two opinion on the fact that for the unin-
                                                              formed and the unlettered of the country who thrive on daily
         It is not that demonetization was not done in our country  wages or earnings the scheme was indeed life shattering.
         in the past that this dose of demonetization is of any great  In the same way for the people in the far flung and remote
         significance.  The importance of the present bout of demon-  villages of the country the scheme was life damaging. These
         etization is from the fact that it was announced all of a  are the sections  of the society who  have least reserve
         sudden without giving any notice to anyone and also from  strength and are also not initiated into cashless domain.

                        About the author                      The informed and educated sections of the society though
                                                              also felt the shock initially but because of their inherent
           C. J. Vijaybalaji                                  reserve strength and they being already initiated into the
           Faculty Member                                     digital world  could handle the situation with little pain.
           SPBTC Mumbai
                                                              There were obviously some sections of the society who were

            26 | 2017 | JANUARY                                                            | BANKING FINANCE

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