Page 30 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 30





         KEY TO LONG


                             Abstract                         What has made this transition possible?

           The paper tries to examine the concept of customer re-  This has been made possible by change in the business model.
           lationship management in building customer relationship.  Today the focus has shifted from transaction to relationship.
           The paper throws light on the evolution of customer re-  Customers are no longer seen as mere one time customers
           lationship  through various  phases.               but as long term partners. Therefore, all companies are
                                                              today looking for building long term relationship by provid-
         T         he core of competition has changed over the  ized that retaining customer is more profitable than acquir-
                                                              ing quality services with innovations. It has also been real-
                   period of time. The new empowered customer
                                                              ing customers; therefore, most companies are looking for
                   is very powerful today. The companies which
                   realize this important change have started mak-
         ing changes in their business model.                 building relationship with their customers.
                                                              Customer Relationship Management is the key tool today
                                                              in the hands of strategic planners and manager. Customer
         Their vision and mission statements are now more custom-
                                                              Relationship Management is a comprehensive approach for
         ers driven than before. Their values and strategies have also  creating, maintaining and expanding customer relationships.
         been changing and are largely customer driven today.
                                                              The concept of CRM is comprehensive as it touches all. CRM
                                                              looks at creating, maintaining and expanding the entire cus-
                        About the author
                                                              tomer cycle.
           Dr. Abhijeet K. Chattoraj
           Associate Professor                                CRM captures and analyzes data about the targeted cus-
           Amity University,                                  tomer-trying to understand their buying habits with a view
           Mumbai                                             to predicting their behaviour. Cultivating the current cus-

            30 | 2017 | JANUARY                                                            | BANKING FINANCE

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