Page 31 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 31


          tomers is what CRM aims  at building in the long run. "CRM  order to induce interest a stranger is asked to go for explo-
          is a strategy that focuses on the profitable development and  ration or trail. Suppose a customer drives a car worth Rs. 7
          management of customer relationships" (Lovelock, Wirtz &  lacs today may not have the purchasing ability at the mo-
          Chatterjee 2010). CRM involves five distinct processes like  ment to buy a car worth Rs. 12 lacs. For the company which
          strategy development that involves defining the vision and  is selling a Rs 12 lac car in the Indian market, the customer
          mission statement from the perspective of the customers.  mentioned above is a stranger. Yet the company is inducing
          Value creation is another process wherein a firm wants to  trail or exploration for these types of customers even to-
          create values within the ambit of stated business strategy.  day. The reason is very simple.
          Multichannel integration is another area which CRM ad-
          dresses with precision.                             They want to make these strangers a prospective customer
                                                              in days to come when the income level of the customers is
          A company communicates with all the Ps of Marketing mix  likely to change in upward direction. The relationship goal
          like  product ,price ,place , promotion ,physical evidence,  here is to acquire the customer's business in the long run.
          people, process and productivity. CRM minimizes the chal-  The sustainability of the competitive advantage is generally
          lenges posed by the various interfaces by providing a uni-  low as the company struggles to device ways to look attrac-
          fied customer interface. Information management -the big-  tive.
          gest of all challenges tries to synchronize information gar-
          nered from all sources and provide them at all touch points  The next phase of relationship building is known as acquain-
          by creating a dynamic data repository.              tance. The customer is no longer stranger. He/She knows
                                                              the company, its product offering or even the brand name.
          CRM, therefore, should not be seen merely as a technology  The number of trials & exploration has led to the familiarity
          . It is an encompassing process to bolster and build profit-  with the product & the brand. The time is ripe to sustain
          able customer relationship. CRM finally through Perfor-  and enhance this relationship. The product offering has to
          mance Assessment tries to understand whether it has been  be standard, interlaced with more value. The source of com-
          able to create value for its various stakeholders or not.  petitive advantage is to create satisfaction.

           "Firms' relationships with their customers, like other social  This satisfaction emanates from the various explorations and
          relationships, tend to evolve over time" (Zeithaml, Bitner  trials - customer has undergone in the past. The problem at
          Gremler & Pandit 2011). A customer goes through four dis-  the acquaintance level is that the product offerings remains
          tinct phases. First he is a stranger for a firm and then a  almost the same with that of the competitor, therefore, it
          relationship is forged and the customer who was a stranger  is sometime difficult to sustain this phase. The relationship
          initially  becomes an acquaintance. Over a period of time  time horizon is also short as the buyer has plenty of choices
          this relationship develops and the customer becomes a friend
          and finally emerges as a partner.

          This continuum of relationship needs to be maintained very
          well. The  product offering for a  customer who  is  still a
          stranger has to be very different. It has to be attractive vis-
          à-vis the competitor- meaning thereby that the product
          offering cannot be below par. "Strangers are customers and
          suppliers in a pre-awareness and/or pretransaction period".
          (Michael D. Johnson & Fred Selnes 2004).

          The customer is a stranger because she has not become a
          potential customer to a particular firm as yet even though
          he or she is not a stranger to other competing firms. In

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