Page 27 - Banking Finance JANUARY 2017
P. 27


          the most affected as it meant a total wash out of their re-  What  were the  consequences of this
          serve strength or more specifically hidden wealth and it is
          this section of the society which is vocal in its opposition to  dualism in the economy?
          the scheme.                                          It cannot be said that all economic activities which take
                                                                 place in cash were only in the black economy.  There is a
          It should be said to the credit of the ordinary citizens that  dominant section of the society which can be called the
          they bore the brunt of the pain but did not complain about  informal sector which contributes about 45% of the GDP
          it for the reason that they were bearing the it in national  of the country. It consists mostly of small traders and busi-
          interest. This speaks volumes of the spirit of the ordinary  nesses, street vendors, and daily wage earners.  This
          citizens.                                              sector works 90% on cash only but their contribution to
                                                                 the black economy may be nil or negligible. This sector is
          Whatever the strata of society one belongs to one has to  also the sector which is most vulnerable in terms of re-
          see what will be the impact of the scheme to a vast major-  serve strength and is also out of the digital space.
          ity of the population in the medium and long term. To ap-   SBNs combined with the liberalization and globalization
          preciate this one has to understand what were the trig-  initiated in the 90's was indeed a big boon to big busi-
          gers that made the scheme necessary.                   nesses. It was this sector which benefitted the most as
                                                                 it could manage to generate enormous black money
          The situation as prevailing on 8/11/16                 and wealth or more specifically called incomes that

           A general culture of faith in cash than on non-cash in-  were not taxed. The availability of SBNs made it easy
             struments in a vast  majority of the population.    for them to  store and transact with them. It was this
                                                                 money that was fuelling the parallel economy that was
           The index of a mature economy is the quantum of cash
                                                                 outside the mainstream economy and which was as big
             to GDP. In advanced countries it is less than 5%  but in
                                                                 or even bigger than the mainstream economy.
             India it is nearly 12%.
                                                               SBNs provided an excellent nexus between big busi-
           90% of the transactions in the country are done in cash
                                                                 nesses, politicians and the officials in the bureaucracy
                                                                 leading to large scale corruption. Crony capitalism was
                                                                 the order of the day and there was no transparency in
          What were the consequences of this ?                   the allocation scarce natural resources like coal, spec-
           Cash transactions do not leave behind any trail.     trum, minerals to quote a few. Businesses that some-
           It promotes the parallel economy or more popularly   how managed to capture scare natural resources by
                                                                 whatever means possible could amass immense wealth.
             called the black money or black economy. This section
             of  the economy is  totally out  of the  mainstream   The high value currency notes which should have been
             economy, under no kind of regulation and not contrib-  used for genuine business activities was either hidden
             uting anything to the national exchequer. In India this  or used mostly in the least productive sectors of the
             section is as big or even bigger than the mainstream  economy ie real estate, jewellery  and  in institutions of
             economy. This kind of dualism impacted adversely the  higher learning in the private sector. Consequently all
             people and the policy making mechanism.             these things were beyond the reach of the common man
                                                                 or the honest taxpaying citizens.
           It encouraged rampant corruption at all levels. Higher
             the denomination of notes higher the scope for corrup-   The country's prosperity grew year after year with the
             tion.                                               GDP growing at an average rate of 7%-8% since  1991
           There was also a critical problem of fake notes in SBNs  but the distribution  was lopsided. The rich  become
             in circulation, whose number was increasing year after  richer and the poor became poorer   and this was very
             year. It was difficult for even bankers to differentiate  much aided by the presence of high denomination notes.
             between a genuine and a fake note leave alone that of   Black money and corruption money were freely flow-
             the ordinary public.                                ing into social evils like  murder for gain, crimes, extor-

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             JANUARY | 2017 | 27

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