Page 23 - Banking Finance February 2024
P. 23


          'DIGITAL BANK'-



          FRAMEWORK IN

          INDIA AND WAY


         L       ast 6 to 8 years have seen rapid development in  Success story of Digital Bank- China
                 'Digital bank' across the world, and China is no
                                                              MYBank or Zhejiang Network Merchants Bank Co, founded
                 exception. Digital banks have an entirely branchless
                                                              in 2015 is targeting mainly smaller firms, with about 80
                 digital service and the need for physical branches
                                                              percent having less than 10 employees.
          is  replaced  by  non-stop,  24/7  customer  service  and
          automated systems.
                                                              Most of its MSE borrowers do not have established Banking
                                                              relationships with traditional banks. Infact more than 70
          These Banks have been formed by large conglomerates like
                                                              percent are having difficulties in getting loans previously
          WeChat, Baidu, Xiomi, Ant  group etc.  that have  huge
                                                              from any financial institutions. Its loans are generally of
          customer base  and all  the ecosystems for a seamless  smaller ticket size, for shorter duration, and are used
          expansion of fully Digital Bank. Few of the Digital Banks in  primarily for working capital purposes.
          China are - Ai Bank, MyBank, WeBank, XW Bank etc.
                                                              It established an online-only platform that enabled SMEs to
          During  the  past  few  years,  these  Banks  have  made
                                                              open accounts and apply for loans quickly and easily, without
          remarkable success in the field of business lending, agri
                                                              the need for extensive paperwork or physical branches. Big
          lending, consumer lending, financial inclusions etc.
                                                              data and AI were used to assess the creditworthiness of
                                                              applicants, allowing for quicker and more accurate lending
                                                              decisions.  They used data of consumer repayment records
                                                              from  e-commerce  platforms  like  Alibaba  and  Alipay,
                                                              smartphone payment records, registered online customer
                                                              profiles,  e-commerce  transactions,  local  government
                                                              records, and insurance records to assess loan applications.

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