Page 25 - Banking Finance February 2024
P. 25


          activities of scheduled commercial banks but on digital  traditional Banks and challengers(Digital Banks) with an
          platform only.                                         equal opportunities and an even playing field and will
                                                                 prevent any regulatory or policy arbitrage.
          As far as regulatory compliance is concerned it is proposed  Minimum paid-up capital requirement for a Digital Bank
          that DBs will be subject to prudential and liquidity norms at
                                                                 may be Rs 20 crore while being in a regulatory sandbox
          par  with  the  existing  commercial  banks.  It  has  been
                                                                 whereas a full-fledged digital bank would need to bring
          proposed to create a new licensing / regulatory framework
                                                                 in Rs 200 crore of capital.
          as regulatory innovation and not as regulatory arbitrage.
                                                                 The report highlighted on phase wise licensing of Digital
                                                                 Bank - 1st phase starting with a restricted digital bank
          Now question arises in our mind whether it is a Digital
          Banking which is currently provided by many Scheduled  license with a limit on the size/value of the customers.
          Commercial  Banks  or it  is different.  Let's understand  In the 2nd phase, the licensee will be placed in a
          difference between a Digital Bank (DB) and Digital Banking  regulatory sandbox, i.e. it will be under a controlled
                                                                 regulatory environment of RBI. Finally, a full fledged
          Unit (DBU).
                                                                 Digital  Bank  license  may  be  granted  based  on
                                                                 satisfactory performance under regulatory sandbox.
          Digital Banks (DB) and Digital Banking
                                                                 Applicants for the proposed Digital bank to have an
          Units (DBU)                                            established track record in similar industries/business
          Digital Banks (DB): from the examples of Digital Banks in  such as e-commerce, payments, technology (e.g. cloud
          China, have understood about Digital banks. In Indian  computing, AI etc).
          context:                                               When it comes to access of key infrastructural enablers
             DBs are Banks defined in the Banking regulation Act  such as UPI, IMPS, Aadhar, e-KYC, CICs, ATM etc., Niti
             with Digital presence only.
                                                                 Aayog proposes for an equal or level playing field for a
             They will accept deposits, provide loans and offer other  Digital  Bank  and  existing  Commercial  Banks  and
             services as per B.R Act.                            thereby suggested for an equal access to all the key
             Digital bank will be an independent bank to be licensed  infrastructure enablers in the Indian financial ecosystem,
             under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and will follow  as traditional banks are having.
             the Reserve Bank norms par with scheduled commercial  As  far  as  Prudential  /  Liquidity  risk  regulation  is
             banks.                                              concerned, it will be same for both, proposed Digital
             It  will  have  a  separate  balance  sheet  and  legal  bank and the incumbent scheduled commercial banks.
             personality like other Scheduled Commercial Bank.   Regulatory requirements for a Banking licence like risk
                                                                 weights, capital adequacy, liquidity coverage ratio etc
          Digital Banking Units (DBU)                            will be included under this head. Being a full-fledged
                                                                 bank, all  the  necessary  compliance  pertaining  to
             A Digital Banking Unit  is a specialized fixed point  regulatory requirement of a commercial Banks will be
             business unit or hub, set up by scheduled commercial  equally applicable for Digital bank(s).
             banks, providing certain minimum digital infrastructure
             for delivering banking products & services digitally in  Technology risks assume greater importance for a
             self-service mode 24x7.                             Digital Bank. Cyber attacks like phishing, malware,
                                                                 spyware, etc, will remain a challenge for Digital Banks,
             DBUs do not have a separate legal identity and are not  similar to that in case of existing brick and mortar
             licensed under Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
                                                                 traditional banks and also to that which have gone
             Legally,  they  are  equivalent to  Bank  branches  or  digital via net banking/ Digital Banking Units.
             "banking outlets" but on digital platform.
                                                                 Board-level policies and expertise in assessing evolving
          NITI Aayog's report on Digital Bank and                cybersecurity risks by mandating a defined norm for set
                                                                 of executive directors to have relevant skill sets as in
          Proposed regulatory requirements:                      present case of Chief Risk Officer or similar, augmented

             The  Niti  Aayog  Paper  focuses  on  providing  both  by a reward and responsibility based compensation

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