Page 24 - Banking Finance February 2024
P. 24


         It used '310' model , which included more than 100,000 risk  best return on equity and the least Non-Performing Assets
         profiling metrics and 100 credit risk models specifically suited  (NPA).
         to SME and individual lending.
                                                              AiBank or Baixin Bank established in 2017 initially started
         It took just 3 minutes for a customer to apply for a loan and  with online lending to consumers and small business, but
         was approved within 1minute and without any collateral.  later on they introduced many other products including
         Despite of zero collateral and interest rate between 6 to  digital  bank  accounts,  payments,  credit  and  wealth
         14%, MYBank was profitable with NIM of 3 to 5% (higher  management. The bank has played an important role in
         than the biggest commercial bank of china), because of  financial inclusion by focusing on rural areas and farmers on
         lower operational and delivery costs. Moreover, NPA level  digital only mode. As on 2022, the Bank has a client base of
         is also lower than the traditional Banks.            50 mn and credit size surpassing 300 bn yuan.

         By the end of 2021, MYbank had served more than 45 million  Starling Bank is a UK-based digital bank founded in 2014 and
         MSEs representing a nearly 30 percent increase year-on-  was granted Digital Bank licence by the Bank of England in
         year.                                                2016. Starling Bank had launched the UK's first digital
                                                              business bank account in March 2018. Similar Digital Banks
         WeBank- China's first digital bank, WeBank, was set-up in  in UK are Monzo, Firstdirect, Metro Bank etc.
         December 2014 after receiving its banking license and is
         now one of the largest digital banks in the world in terms of  These Digital banks across the globe are using advance
         user base. WeBank is a truly digital bank with no branches  technology like Artificial Intelligence (eKYC, Chatbox, smart
         or outlets. There is only a mobile app which is used for  collection), Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Big Data etc to
         banking.                                             provide a seamless Digital Bank experience with robust
                                                              cybersecurity. They provide fully Online Financial Products
         The most interesting part is that the bank doesn't require  and services such as consumer loan, SME Loan, Auto Loan
         collateral or guarantee but relies on the big data credit  etc.
         ratings and face recognition technology to give loan to
         individuals and SME borrowers.                       From the above success story of few Banks especially
                                                              in China, have come to know what a Digital Bank is all
         WeBank's cost of operation per account is only $0.5. This is  about.
         10-20  times cost effective when compared to cost of
         operation in a traditional bank.                     It may be a new concept in India,  but in many other
                                                              countries, Digital Banks has become a decade old concept
         With all these technical advantages, WeBank is the biggest  and many of them are competing with full-fledged scheduled
         lender in Digital banking space in China with most profitable,  commercial Bank with brick and mortar concept.

                                                              Digital Banks- Indian context
                                                              Though Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks and FIs are
                                                              leveraging heavily on Digital Banking but Digital Bank is still
                                                              a new concept in India.

                                                              On July 2022, NITI Aayog released a report "A Proposal for
                                                              Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India" for Digital Banks.
                                                              It talked about the blueprint for licensing digital banks in

                                                              As per the report,  "Digital Banks" or DBs means a Banks as
                                                              defined in the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (B R Act) but
                                                              with Digital only presence. These banks will do all the

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