Page 26 - Banking Finance February 2024
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             framework  that  motivates  these  personnel  to  be  smartphone users by 2026 with rural areas driving the
             proactive about these risks.                        demand. With one of the World's largest rural telecom
                                                                 project "BharatNet programme" of Government of
         Why  Digital  Bank  is  important  and                  India, Internet enabled services and in particular digital
         driving force for a successful Digital Bank             banking services will also get a push.
                                                                 An per an estimate of, 205
         in India
                                                                 million Indian adults already have a digital-only bank
             A major problem still remains in Indian Banking sector  account, and the number is predicted to increase
             is inclusiveness. Certain sector of the societies are still  further to 397 million within the next five years. India
             deprived of formal banking channels, such as those with  already has an established technology platform to
             low-income, micro-businesses, farmers, or high-risk  facilitate digital banks.
             customers with no or low credit history, especially in
             rural areas.                                     Conclusion:
             As  per  IFC's  (International Financial  Corporation)  Major  challenges  in  allowing  Digital  Banks  licence  is
             estimates, the total credit gap in the MSME segment  regulatory requirement, which needs to be address first by
             is Rs 25.8 trillion appx. and is growing at 37 per cent  RBI before licences could be granted to both private and
             CAGR.  The  total  demand  by  the  MSME  sector  is  public sector entities.
             approximately Rs 37 trillion, of which banks, NBFCs &
             other institutions supply approx. Rs 10.9 trillion.  Allowing digital bank licence exclusively for MSMEs in a first
                                                              go may be a right solution, which may take deposits from
             The current credit delivery systems in India are mainly  businesses also.  Over the last few years, we have seen a
             paper-based, with high TAT and requiring multiple visits  digital explosion in almost all aspects of life and financial
             to bank branches. This results in high operational costs  services are not any different.
             for lenders and opportunity cost for borrowers. With
             the advent of digital literacy, MSME borrowers now look  As far as existing partnership-based neo-bank models are
             fast approval process along with certainty regarding  concerned, it faces several challenges, such as revenue
             funds availability.                              generation and viability. Further, they don't have a bank
                                                              license of their own but count on bank partners to provide
             If we analyze the success story of Digital Bank in China,
             particularly, for the MSME segment, then we can say  licensed banking services.
             that a full stack Digital Bank is the need of hour for  As discussed above, India's public digital infrastructure is
             deeper credit penetration among MSMEs and it can be  robust and is at the cusp of operationalizing its own Open
             seen as next stage of financial inclusion.       banking  framework.  India has  the  robust  technology
             One of the greatest advantage of Digital Bank is lower  platform to fully facilitate Digital Banks in near future.
             cost-to-serve and customer acquisition cost. Due to this
                                                              Over the past few years, many digital enablers like Open
             factor, digital bank offers can expand their coverage to
                                                              Network  for  Digital  Commerce  (ONDC),  Open  Credit
             last mile of country.
                                                              Enablement Network (OCEN), blockchain-enabled financial
             Digital Banks use new age technologies like predictive  system, Digital Rupee, and UPI, among others have been
             analyses and artificial intelligence (AI) to arrive at real  put into motion. These could leapfrog India as a leader-
             time decisions for the busy MSMEs. These technologies  nation in digital finance. To conclude with, co-existence of
             allow them to move from traditional collateral based  Digital and Physical banking is the need of hour.
             funding methods to advance cash flow based lending
             Due to adoption of AI, Big Data etc, digital banks have  I.  Niti Aayog Report, "A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory
             faster application process, with less or no paperwork.  Regime for India" for Digital Banks, July 2022.
             It works on simple process of downloading a banking  II.  Website of Starling Bank, WEBank, MY Bank etc.
             app, entering personal details and verifying your identity
             by photo or video.
                                                              ''Views and opinions expressed in the article are of the
             According to a study by Deloitte, India will have 1 billion  author and not of the Bank''.

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