Page 46 - Banking Finance MAY 2017
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             February 9, 2017 on the above subject. The       Statement, 2017-18 Resolution of the Monetary Policy
             Government of India, had vide their Office       Committee (MPC), consequent upon the narrowing of the
             Memorandum (OM) No.F.No.1/4/2016-NS.II dated     LAF corridor, the Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rate now
             March 31, 2017 advised the rate of interest on various  stands adjusted at 6.50 per cent.
             small savings schemes for the first quarter of the
             financial year 2017-18.                          All other terms and conditions of the current MSF scheme
                                                              will remain unchanged.
         2. The contents of this circular may be brought to the
             notice of the branches of your bank operating
             Government Small Saving Schemes for necessary    Yours sincerely
             action. These should also be displayed on the notice  (Radha Shyam Ratho)
             boards of your branches for information of the   Chief General Manager
             subscribers to these Schemes.
                                                              Change in Bank Rate
         Yours faithfully
         (Harsha Vardhan)
         Manager                                              DBR.No.Ret.BC.58/12.01.001/2016-17

                                                              1. Please refer to our circular DBR.No.Ret.BC.19/
         Liquidity Adjustment Facility - Repo and                12.01.001/2016-17 dated October 04, 2016 on the
         Reverse Repo Rates                                      captioned subject.
                                                              2. As announced in the First Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy
                                                                 Statement 2017-18 dated April 06, 2017, the Bank
         FMOD.MAOG. No. 118/01.01.001/2016-17
                                                                 Rate stands adjusted by 25 basis points from 6.75 per
                                                                 cent to 6.50 per cent with effect from April 06, 2017.
         As announced in the First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy
         Statement, 2017-18 Resolution of the Monetary Policy  3. All penal interest rates on shortfall in reserve
         Committee (MPC), it has been decided to keep the Repo   requirements, which are specifically linked to the Bank
         rate under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) unchanged  Rate, also stand revised as indicated in the Annex.
         at 6.25 per cent.
                                                              Yours faithfully,
                                                              (Saurav Sinha)
         However, consequent upon the narrowing of the LAF
         corridor, the Reverse Repo rate under the LAF now stands  Chief General Manager
         adjusted at 6.0 per cent.                            Annex

         This change will come into force with immediate effect. All  Penal Interest Rates which are linked to the Bank Rate
         other terms and conditions of the current LAF Scheme will  Item        Existing Rate  Revised Rate
         remain unchanged.                                                                     (Effective from
                                                                                               April 06, 2017)
         Yours sincerely
                                                              Penal interest    Bank Rate plus  Bank Rate plus 3.0
         (Radha Shyam Ratho)
                                                              rates on shortfalls 3.0 percentage  percentage points
         Chief General Manager
                                                              in reserve        points (9.75 per (9.50 per cent) or
                                                              requirements      cent) or Bank  Bank Rate plus 5.0
         Marginal Standing Facility
                                                              (depending on     Rate plus 5.0  percentage points
         RBI/2016-2017/269                                    duration of       percentage     (11.50 per cent).
                                                              shortfalls).      points (11.75
         FMOD.MAOG. No.119/01.18.001/2016-17
                                                                                per cent).
         As announced in the First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy

            46 | 2017 | MAY                                                                | BANKING FINANCE

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