Page 49 - Banking Finance MAY 2017
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         to a payment, or aggregate of pay-  Cost of non-compliance            lakhs and the amount is paid in cash.The
         ments, made to a person in a day. The  If the expense for the purchase of the  modes of payments that will be accept-
         words used here are significant: the  capital asset exceeds the Rs 10,000  able for the purchase of capital assets
         limit applies to a single payment or an  limit, then it will not be considered as  include cheques, drafts, and other elec-
         aggregate of payments. It means that  the purchase price of the asset. If the  tronic modes of transferring money
         if the total expense is, say, Rs 25,000,  amount is not considered as the cost,  through a bank account. Since the
         then breaking it up into two parts will                               bank account is mentioned, an Internet
                                            there will be no question of being al-
         not be considered as separate transac-                                transfer through an online bank ac-
                                            lowed any depreciation on the amount.
         tions. It also applies to a single person.                            count would be covered, and so would
                                            This cuts off the benefit right at the
                                                                               the electronic modes of payment like
         So if the payments are made to two dif-  source and hence is something that
         ferent entities, then this restriction will  needs to be thought about carefully.  NEFT and RTGS.
         not apply. Finally, the most significant  This provision will come into effect from  While many businesses and professions
         detail is that the limit applies to a day.  April 1, so there is still some time for  already buy capital assets through
         Therefore, if the payment is more than  businesses and professions to take a look  cheque and other modes of payment,
         Rs 10,000 but is spread over a couple of  at the manner in which they will pur-  there are others that pay cash. These
         days, the limit will not apply. This may  chase assets and ensure that it is not  persons or entities will have to change
         offer some relief to those entities that  done through the cash mode. The cost  the way they operate to ensure that for
         have to make expenses that are higher  can turn out to be high if the purchase  them the depreciation benefit remains
         than the stipulated limit.         price of the asset runs into a couple of  intact. (Source : Business Standard)
            New Edition with latest Syllabus of IC 38 for Insurance Agents

                                        Effective from 1st October 2016
                 MCQ Guide for IC38 for General, Health and Life from The Insurance Times

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