Page 50 - Banking Finance MAY 2017
P. 50


         10 THINGS THAT WILL

         CHANGE IN FY 18

         Consumer: Some Gain,               Fly cheap: The regional connectivity  will rise by 75 basis points, or bps, if
                                            scheme will operate on 128 routes and  they lend further to any company with
         Some Pain                          connect 70 airports. Airlines will cap  debt of over Rs 25,000 crore.

         Single-page ITR-1, Aadhaar compul- fares at Rs 2,500 for a one-hour flight.
         sory: A simple income tax return-1, or                                This number will go down to Rs 15,000
         ITR-1, form for the salaried has been in-  Industry: Compliance,      crore in FY19 and Rs 10,000 crore in
         troduced for taxpayers with income of  Consolidation & Parity         FY20.
         Rs 50 lakh and one property. For other
         categories, the number of forms has  SBI merger: State Bank of India's (SBI)  Capital gains tax on non-STT transac-
         been reduced from eight to six. Also,  merger with five associate banks takes  tions: Capital gains tax will be appli-
         mentioning Aadhaar number has be-  effect today. The merger makes SBI the  cable on sale of shares acquired with-
         come mandatory in all forms.       world's 45th biggest bank, with Rs 33.5  out paying securities transaction tax
                                            lakh crore worth of assets, a branch  (STT). The new rule will apply to all non-
         Small savings rates cut by 10 basis  base of 24,000 branches and 59,000  STT paid transactions since October 1,
                                                                               2004. However, certain cases, like
         points: 7.9 per cent rate for Public  automated teller machines.
                                                                               shares acquired in an initial public of-
         Provident Fund and five-year National
                                            BS-IV: The Bharat Stage-IV, or BS-IV,  fering or through rights or bonus issue
         Savings Certificates; 7.6 per cent for
                                            emission standards come into effect  or employees stock options, would be
         Kisan Vikas Patra; 8.4 per cent for
                                            today. While two-wheelers and      exempt from these provisions.
         Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and Senior
                                            carmakers are passing on the costs,
         Citizens Savings Scheme; 7.2 per cent                                 GAAR:  General Anti-Avoidance Rule, or
                                            commercial vehicle makers, who are
         for five-year recurring deposits and 6.9-                             GAAR, aims to provide clarity and cer-
                                            struggling with weak demand, will be
         7.7 per cent for one to five-year term                                tainty over taxation of foreign inves-
         deposits. Small savings rates still re-  the worst-affected, as discount levels  tors. These rules will impact entities
                                            are already at elevated levels.
         main more attractive than bank deposit                                which domicile themselves in a tax-
         rates.                             Corporate tax: Medium and small-scale  friendly jurisdiction like Mauritius,
                                            companies to see their tax burden go  Singapore and other places to avoid
         Income tax changes: Those earning  down by five percentage points.    taxes.  From now on, to avail of tax
         between Rs 2.5 lakh and Rs 5 lakh a                                   benefits, an entity will have to convince
         year will have to pay income tax at the Loans get dearer for highly indebted  the Indian tax authorities that they are
         rate of five per cent instead of the ear- companies: From FY18, banks will have  running a permanent establishment in
         lier 10 per cent; those above Rs 50 lakh to set aside three per cent more as  these countries and not using it as tax
         will pay 10 per cent surcharge.    additional provisioning and risk weight  haven. (Source : Business Standard)

            50 | 2017 | MAY                                                                | BANKING FINANCE

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