Page 48 - Banking Finance MAY 2017
P. 48





         T         he manner in which an the purchase. Hence, the expense in-  payment. Those who have income from

                   individual's taxable income is curred on purchasing these capital as-
                                                                               a business or profession need to under-
                   calculated depends on how sets also has to be spread out over a
                                                                               stand the new guidelines and be ex-
                   he earns. The salaried class period of time which corresponds with
                                                                               else they could end up enjoying a lower
                   does not have too many op- their working life.              tremely careful in adopting them, or
         portunities to claim deductions, as their                             tax deduction on depreciation.
         scope is limited to a few allowances and The percentage of the total value of the
         reimbursements. On the other hand, for asset that is written down each year is  Ceiling imposed
         those who are self-employed or run based on a specified formula. It is re-  Until now there were no restrictions
         their own business or profession, there ferred to as depreciation. Depreciation  on incurring capital expenditure in
         is plenty of scope. In their case, business is allowed as a deduction from the gross  cash, which made it convenient for
         expenses can be deducted from the income earned by the business or pro-  businesses to make such expenses and
         gross income to arrive at the taxable fession. It is an important benefit for  claim the corresponding benefit. Now,
         income.                            business as it goes a long way towards  the government has imposed a mon-
                                            reducing their tax liability.      etary limit on capital expenses incurred
         Capital and revenue ex-                                               in cash, so as to get businesses to move
                                            Cash purchases now under the scanner  towards electronic modes of payment.
         penses                             The purchase of a capital asset often  This transition is also expected to result
         Expenses incurred for the purpose of requires a large upfront payment. A  in greater transparency in the way
         business or profession become eligible business purchases a variety of capital  businesses function.
         for deduction in two ways. One, they assets, which could range from comput-
         could be revenue expenses which are ers to furniture and even land and  The limit for cash expense that can be
                                                                               incurred on the purchase of capital as-
         incurred while conducting the business, building. The payment mode used for
                                                                               sets has been fixed at Rs 10,000. For
         and hence are permitted as a deduc- making these purchases can vary.
         tion. Expenses of this type include those                             amounts higher than this, other modes
         related to running the office, travel Sometimes the payment is done   of payment will have to be used. The
         expenses, and advertising and market- through cheque or via other electronic  fine print of this provision will have to
         ing expenses.                      modes of payment. However, a lot of  be understood and taken into consid-
                                            times businesses also make such pay-  eration by businesses.
         The other area where a business or ments in cash. This is especially com-
         profession spends is on the addition of mon in the case of small-ticket pur- Pay heed to the fine print
         capital assets. Capital assets are defined chases where the cost is not very high.  The important thing to consider is the
         as those whose benefits come over a This mode of payment has now come  details related to payments and the
         period of time, and not just immedi- under the government's scanner, which  manner in which the restrictions will
         ately or in the initial time period after is trying to promote digital modes of  apply. The limit of Rs 10,000 is linked

            48 | 2017 | MAY                                                                | BANKING FINANCE

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