Page 29 - Banking Finance August 2022
P. 29


          Amazon: is a huge e-commerce website dealing with lots  Forecast the demand for the products and many more.
          of traffic daily. But, when there is a preannounced sale on
                                                                 Using these kinds of data, organizations derive some
          Amazon, traffic grows exponentially that crashes  the
                                                                 patterns and provide the best customer service.
          website. So, to handle this kind of traffic and data, Amazon
                                                                 Show the products that are related to the products that
          uses Big Data. Big Data can help in organizing and analyzing
                                                                 a customer bought.
          the data for further use.
                                                                 Provide secure money transitions and identify if there
          Social Media                                           are any fraudulent transactions being made.
          Social media in the current scenario is considered the largest
          data generator. The stats have shown that around 500+
          terabytes of new data get generated into the databases of  Big Data is a game-changer. Many organizations are using
          social media every day, particularly in the case of Facebook.  more analytics to drive strategic actions and offer a better
          The data generated mainly consist of videos,  photos,  customer experience. A slight change in the efficiency or
          message exchanges,  etc. A single activity on any social  smallest savings can lead to a huge profit, which is why most
          media site generates a lot of data which is again stored and  organizations are moving towards big data. Ultimately, big
          gets processed whenever required. Since the data stored is  data help individuals and organizations tackle enormous
          in terabytes, it would take a lot of time for processing if it is  data sets and extract valuable information out of them. As
          done by our legacy systems. Big Data is a solution to this  the importance of data grows exponentially, it will become
          problem.                                            essential components in the technological landscape.

          Benefits of Big Data
          Big Data has been popular among various organizations.
          Organizations like the e-commerce industry, social media,
          healthcare, Banking,  Entertainment industries, etc., are
          widely using analytics to understand various patterns,
          collecting and utilizing customer insights, fraud detection,
          monitor financial market activities, etc.
          Big data helps in:
             Collect information about the items searched by the
             Information regarding their preferences.            bigdata-overview/
             displaying the popular products that are being sold.

             Hotels, restaurants barred from levying service charge by default

           THE CENTRAL Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) barred hotels and restaurants from adding service charge "au-
           tomatically or by default" in the food bill. It said that in case of violation, a consumer can ask the hotel/ restaurant
           to remove the service charge, or seek redressal by filing a complaint.
           "The guidelines issued by CCPA stipulate that hotels or restaurants shall not add service charge automatically or by
           default in the food bill. No collection of service charge shall be done by any other name," the Union Ministry of
           Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution said in a statement.
           "No hotel or restaurant shall force a consumer to pay service charge and shall clearly inform the consumer that
           service charge is voluntary, optional and at consumer's discretion," it said.

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