Page 30 - Banking Finance August 2022
P. 30


          ROLE OF

          CHATBOT AS

          A BANKING


          Artificial Intelligence                             intelligence processes by machines, especially computer
                                                              systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems,
          With consumer expectation increasing, the use of artificial
                                                              natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition and
          intelligence, machine learning and chat bots in banking is
                                                              machine vision and various other facets AI programming
          also increasing. Banks and credit unions worldwide are
                                                              focuses on three cognitive skills: learning, reasoning and self-
          testing new application  and deploying new solution to
          improve overall digital customer experience.
                                                              Learning Processes- This aspect of AI programming focuses
          In order to achieve operational efficiencies, reduction in cost
                                                              on acquiring data and creating rules for how to turn the data
          of operations and better financial control, banks in India are
                                                              into actionable information. The rules, which are called
          adopting the latest technologies. After the adoption  of
                                                              algorithms, provide computing devices with step-by-step
          central banking system (core banking), Indian banks are
                                                              instructions for how to complete a specific task.
          heading towards implementation of emerging technologies
          like  big  data,  analytics,  machine  learning,  artificial
                                                              Reasoning Processes - This aspect of AI programming
          intelligence (AI)
                                                              focuses on choosing the right algorithm to reach a desired
          Artificial intelligence (AI) is  the  simulation of human
                                                              Self-correction processes - This aspect of AI programming
                               About the author
                                                              is designed to continually fine-tune algorithms and ensure
                                                              they provide the most accurate results possible.
                        Abhinav Jain
                        Senior Manager - Faculty
                        STC Gurgaon
                        Union Bank of India                   Gone are those days where people have to stand in Banks

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