Page 34 - Banking Finance August 2022
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          adopting new technology to help serve a much higher  industry  is  a  critical  backbone  for  India's economic
          number of consumers through digital channels that ever  development. Adoption of AI by banks will help them scale
          before, the role of chatbots in banking for the coming years  and improve access. It will also aid banks in achieving better
          will be significant and ever expanding. Banks have been  performance, higher profitability and reduction in risk. Data-
          utilizing chatbots to help handle routine tasks like resetting  driven decision-making using chatbots can help banks lend
          a  mobile banking  password, transfer  funds between  to priority sectors, increase client base and develop products
          accounts, pay bills or even open a new checking account.  that are suited to customer needs.
          As technology advances and as the recent consumer
          adoption of this technology continues to progress, chatbots  Chatbots can be deployed in banks across a range of
          in banking will evolve to be capable of handling far more  functions for improving overall customer experience, making
          complex tasks, such as helping a customer get pre-approved  more informed decisions on credit underwriting, detecting
          for loan origination.                               frauds  and  defaults  early, improving  collections  and
                                                              increasing employee efficiency. There are some challenges
          Most importantly, chatbots in banking will  eventually  that need  to be addressed  to increase the adoption  of
          become much more advanced in their ability to connect with  chatbots in the Indian banking and finance industry. These
          the consumer on a more human level, turning interactions  include training existing manpower in new skills; making the
          that have traditionally been very transactional into  an  current banking processes adaptable with AI; increasing the
          experience that would be closer to the real life. People still  capacity of customers to use chatbots systems; and ensuring
          want to bank with people, even if that communication takes  data protection and privacy.
          place digitally. The future of enhanced customer experience
          will be a  mix of serving customers both in-person and  Banks and financial institutions stand to gain  from the
          virtually.                                          adoption of chatbots. It can lead to better risk management
                                                              in these institutions, thereby improving their growth
          Way Forward                                         potential. Furthermore, chatbots can help banks adapt to
                                                              the modern  business  environment and  address various
          The Indian government is deeply committed to the research
                                                              customer needs through product differentiation and the
          and  usage of AI in the county. India recently joined the
                                                              generation new insights from data.
          Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) as a
          founding member. Along with 15 other nations, which
                                                              Chatbots are also being seen as an equalizer that will help
          include the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and France, the GPAI
                                                              in the creation of a fairer, more inclusive financial system.
          has been formed as an initiative to manage the responsible
                                                              With the use of AI, and specifically chatbots banks can offer
          development and use of AI. The GPAI is a first of-its-kind of
                                                              customers - especially those in rural areas, who are presently
          initiative for better understanding the challenges and
                                                              unable to access the desired levels of banking benefits -
          opportunities  around AI by using the experience of the
                                                              greater access to banking facilities,  credit options,  and
          diverse nations. India's digital banking and finance sector,
                                                              wealth management products.
          including retail banking, has witnessed immense growth in
          the past two decades. This transformation has primarily
          been driven by an increase in the use of digital payments
          across sectors and industries using chatbots.
          The proliferation of digital payments and banking - which  Best%20Practices/2020/AI_2020.pdf
          has helped generate financial transaction data that banks
          can use to monitor, predict, and respond to consumer
          behavior better - and the rising demand for online offerings
          of banking and financial information have opened up
          opportunities for chatbots implementation in retail banking
          and financial and  investment services in India. The use of  7)  Research paper available dated 31.12.2019 on "Chatbot
          chatbots in banks and financial institutions has the potential  and  virtual assistants in  Indian bank" by Netrapal and
          to transform how these entities operate. The banking   Devendrapal (MDI) available on
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