Page 28 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 28

regulator has taken initiative in making the insuring public  sum assured in respect of private insurers is much higher
         and also the general public knowledgeable about the value  but it is doubtful whether these are really used as
         of life insurance. The following initiatives taken by IRDAI in  savings or protection tool as a large proportion of these
         developing the industry is worth mentioning:            policies are Unit Linked products where insurance cover
         Y   Bima Bemisal campaign of the regulator launched both  is of "incidental type".
             in print and electronic media aims at making the people
                                                              Y  Thirdly, customers are not too happy about their
             understand what life insurance is and how various life
                                                                 association with insurance policies as more than half the
             insurance products can help people make proper      policies go off the books even before the expiry of five
             financial planning.                                 years (average policy term being 15 years). Even the
         Y   IRDAI is cautioning the public against spurious phone  market leader does not have a high 61 month
             calls and fictitious offers made by fraudsters in the guise  Persistency Ratio.
             of insurance intermediaries.
                                                              Y  Fourthly, claim settlement performance is not too great
         Y   IRDAI's customer connect initiative through its portal  for the insurers at the moment. Some reputed private
    is aimed at informing the life  insurers have high repudiation/rejection ratio. Again,
             insurance customers about the updates about the     many claims are pending beyond six months (18.19%).
             industry and its latest initiatives.                Many of these are even pending for more than one year!

         Y   As a core committee member of National Centre for  Y  Customer complaints are too high both for LIC and for
             Financial Education (NCFE) among financial sector   private insurers. While most of the private insurers have
             regulators, IRDAI has taken an important role in drafting  been able to reduce the number of complaints
             the National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE),  significantly, LIC is yet to do so. Rising number of
             2019-2024.                                          customer complaints mean that people are not too
         Y   IRDAI has advised insurance companies to adopt certain  happy with the policy conditions or the quality of
             districts for spreading insurance literacy and insuring all  servicing.
             families of these districts. There are 117 such  Y  Finally, the insurers have not been able to develop
             aspirational districts identified by NITI Aayog which are  agents into professional advisors as the productivity of
             expected to be covered by insurers (life and general)  agents is low and their attrition rate is very high.
             under the aegis of IRDAI.
                                                              In the light of foregoing discussions and on the basis of
         It's clear what is choking the Industry              experience of working in the industry for several years,
                                                              certain recommendations can be humbly put forward for the
         From the discussions in the foregoing sections, it is clear what
                                                              insurers as under:
         is choking the life insurance industry of India. These can be
                                                              Y  Insurers need to develop products and services that
         summarised as under:                                    customers look for. Let us consider the findings of a
         Y   The data clearly shows that neither LIC nor the leading
                                                                 survey conducted by Bajaj Allianz and sponsored by none
             private insurers have been able to insure any significant
                                                                 other than IRDAI. The survey report says that 44% of
             portion of the insurable population. There are only 33  Indians are worried about their post retirement days
             crores of in force policies in India in the space of
                                                                 and look for products that can help them build a
             individual insurance, pertaining to may be 25 crores of
                                                                 reasonable pension corpus. The survey also points out
             Indians. Even if we assume that about twenty crores of  that 1 in every 3 millennials take financial decisions on
             Indians are covered by group insurance schemes of   the basis of their interactions among peer groups in
             various types (including government sponsored       social media. This research also points out that 60%
             schemes), the total people insured is not likely to exceed  Indians believe life insurance is the right vehicle for
             forty crores (as many people are covered both by    meeting life's goals. Now, the research therefore clearly
             individual and group policies). It is estimated that India  says that there is a large market for traditional products
             has 105 crores of working population. It can safely be  but there has to be need based selling. Products can
             said that at least 50% of insurable people have not been  even be co-created with the customers to improve their
             covered under life insurance of any type.           worth.

         Y   Many of the people insured are underinsured. Sum  Y  IRDAI's own research points out that the insurers are
             assured in force for the LIC customers is very low. The  not catering enough to the life insurance needs of the

          28  The Insurance Times, October 2021
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