Page 30 - The Insurance Times October 2021
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interactions with millennials across the country. While we  insurers are setting up 24 hour helpline to assist customers
         have a habit to say that the youths of the country are inclined  in case they need immediate assistance. They can arrange
         to buy term policies more and other traditional policies  for some value added services to the customers suffering
         much less, this research report says that 57% of the owners  from Covid-19 and senior citizens (being the customers of
         of such policies do not have any idea on how much they can  pension products) in distressed condition. Insurers can tie
         get under term products and under what circumstances.  up with NGOs and voluntary organisations to help people
         The research finds much to its dismay that India's Protection  survive in the days of crises.
         Quotient (IPQ) on the whole is only 35%. The factors which
         have been taken into account in arriving at this figure are  Tata AIA is doing things that make the industry proud. They
         the awareness and ownership of life insurance, level of  are paying additional Rs. 5 lakhs (or the sum assured
         preparedness for future uncertainties and the degree of  whichever is less) to the claimants of those dying in Covid-
         preference for protection plans.                     19. They are also bearing all expenses of treatments of their
                                                              agents or their family members (with an upper limit of Rs.
         So, from various seminal research papers, it is clear that the  25,000), in case they are afflicted by the disease. The insurer
         country needs innovative savings, protection and pension  is going beyond the worries of profitability at this hour and
         products for various segments of the market. Even ULIPs can  doing something very precious for the families of deceased
         be marketed but not ignoring the needs of savings and  customers.
         protection needs. The insurance intermediaries have to be
         discerning enough to let the people have a mix of useful  Insurers can take this as an opportunity to come closer to
         insurance products which can help meet financial goals.  people. This will automatically evoke interest in life insurance
                                                              products and also life insurance companies. Customers will
         One insurer uses the catch line, "SarUthakeJio" to improve  understand that insurers do not just hard sell life insurance.
         their brand image. Now, the insurers should not just impress  They actually are in business to serve the society.
         the customers with catch-lines but also do more useful work
         to spread insurance awareness further and help people live  References:
         their life with head kept high throughout their lives.  1.  IRDAI Annual Report 2018-19 retrieved from
         The insurance major asks the youths of the country to leave  2.  Excerpt of the Report of Bain & Co.: https://
         nine to five jobs and take up insurance agency as a "career
         insurance" in which they can "Be their own Bosses" and earn  see-500-million-indians-enter-middle-class-within-a-
         pretty well. If that really happens in the country, the industry  decade
         will be the preferred employer for youths. For that, the  3.  Handbook on Indian Insurance Statistics, 2017-18
         insurers need to consider agents as business associates and  retrieved from
         not as people who join the profession only after doing badly
                                                              4.  Figures of Ministry of Statistics and Programme
         elsewhere. The agency can really be an honoured profession
         like doctors, lawyers and Chartered Accountants. The    gdp-capita-of-india.php
         millennials have to be groomed and mentored properly in
         the initial years. There should be no undue pressure to sell  5.  Excerpts of the report of Max Life- Kantar IMRB survey:
         some particular plans to achieve business targets of units.
         The Development Officers and Agency Managers should act  insurance-survey/articleshow/68079476.cms?from=mdr
         more like trusted friends and not as bosses.
                                                              6.  Handbook on Indian Insurance Statistics, 2018-19
                                                                 retrieved from
         The insurers should always walk the talk. India is struggling
         to come to terms with the deadly Pandemic, Covid-19. Life  7.  India's Life Goals Preparedness Survey, 2019    by Bajaj-
         insurers (together with health insurers) can exceed the  Allianz
         expectations of the customers by providing services that can  balic/pdf/Life-Goals-Preparedness-Survey.pdf
         strengthen their brand image. In addition to settling claims  8.  Tata AIA recent announcements on Covid-19 https://
         within 3 days and extending grace period by 30 days, the T

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