Page 34 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 34

to Covid. Both these plans are short-term plans that have  allied perils -- Bharat Griha Raksha, Bharat Sookshma Udyam
         standard coverage features. Like Arogya Sanjeevani, the  Suraksha, and Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha. The purpose
         premium for these policies differs across insurers. To ensure  behind bringing in such standard products is to increase the
         that policyholders understand the technical nature of their  protection quotient in each segment.
         health insurance plans easily, IRDAI standardized various
         clauses. The concept of pre-existing illnesses, policy  India is a hugely under-insured country, where only 19 per
         exclusions and proportionate deductible in room rent was  cent of lives are insured. In the case of vehicles, although
         simplified.                                          third-party insurance is mandatory, only 79 per cent of four-
                                                              wheelers are covered and 66 per cent of four-wheelers are
         An indisputability clause was added which limited the power  insured for own-damage only. For two-wheelers, it is much
         of insurers to reject claims after 8 years of coverage.  worse, as only 36 per cent of vehicles are insured under the
         Moreover, the health insurance policy was made more  third party and 39 per cent are covered for their own
         comprehensive by the inclusion of mental illnesses and  damage. Motor industry is facing severe slowdown due to
         modern treatments under the purview of the plan. These  supply chain disruptions, stalled production and low demand.
         changes have made health insurance plans more customer-
         friendly which have also driven up the demand of these  In April 2020, automobile manufacturers registered zero
         plans.                                               sales due to the lockdown. Sales have picked up marginally
                                                              in May onward after the lockdown restrictions were eased
                                                              by the government; but are well below the pre-COVID levels.
                                                              Despite difficult economic conditions, the insurance industry
                                                              has been resilient to the extent that we have positive
                                                              growth above 5 per cent as of now.

                                                              The insurance industry has been able to respond to
                                                              unforeseen risks and it has come out with new products and
                                                              new features in the existing products. Also, the claim
                                                              settlement has been fast. The Regulator has come up with
                                                              a regulatory sandbox to allow the insurance companies to
                                                              experiment, bring out innovative products, and innovative

         Non-life        Insurance

         For some time now, the IRDAI has
         been coming out with various
         standard products, both in the life
         and general insurance space. So
         far, the Regulator has launched a
         standard health product named
         "Arogya Sanjeevani", two Covid-19
         specific standard products --
         Corona Kavach and Corona
         Rakshak, a standard term product
         named "Saral Jeevan Bima", a standard vector-borne disease
         health policy, a standard annuity product "Saral Pension", a  Not against innovation
         standard personal accident cover "Saral Suraksha Bima", and  The passage of the General Insurance Bill has drawn
         three standard products for covering the risk of fire and  criticism for the absence of discussion and debate in

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