Page 33 - The Insurance Times October 2021
P. 33

premium, 105 per cent of all premiums paid until death and  premium is too heavy on their pockets. Here's a look at the
         the absolute amount assured to be paid on the policyholder's  major developments in the health insurance segment.
         death. For single premium policies, the death benefit to be
         paid out is the higher of 125 per cent single premium and  The regulator rolled out a standard health product - Aarogya
         absolute amount assured to be paid on death. Insurers are  Sanjeevani, under which 1.65 lakh lives have been covered.
         permitted to offer two riders - accident and permanent  Similarly, on July 10, the regulator launched two standard
         disability benefit options - for additional premium. The cover  corona products - Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak --
         has come with a waiting period of 45 days from policy  which have covered around 32 lakh lives, with a premium
         issuance - only death claim due to accident is payable during  collection of Rs 482 crore and with a sum insured of Rs 1.1
         this period. In case the death occurred due to other reasons,  trillion. To offer uniform coverage benefits under a single
         100 per cent of the premium, excluding taxes, if any, is paid  plan. The policy allows coverage of up to INR 5 lakhs and
         out to the dependents. The uniformity in features and policy  has uniform coverage benefits across insurers. Only the
         wordings aid easy purchase of term plans. The private life  premium differs based on the company's pricing policies.
         insurance industry is celebrating 20 years in India this year.
                                                              The Arogya Sanjeevani policy, therefore, offers standardized
         Health insurance segment                             coverage for someone looking for a basic health cover. The
                                                              pandemic has increased the potential for health and life
         Health is wealth is no longer an adage, but our new reality.
                                                              insurance in India The improved prospects for insurance are
         This needs to be accepted and by implementing the
                                                              also reflected in the performance of non-life during the first
         standardized products, the insurance industry would be
         ready to deal with future pandemics, improve customer  quarter. Non-life insurers have registered a 14% growth in
                                                              gross premium during the first quarter as demand for health
         satisfaction and ensure efficiency of firms assuring that no
                                                              insurance increased during the deadly second wave of Covid.
         pandemic in the future affects lives as Coronavirus did. In
                                                              The increase in insurance penetration bodes well for the
         the health sector, some 36 per cent people are insured but
         of these, three-fourths are insured by government schemes  government's disinvestment programme. India ranks 10th
                                                              in life insurance and 14th in non-life. Despite the insurance
         and the remaining 3.2 per cent have got individual health
                                                              market being small relative to GDP, it is seen as having huge
         plans. An additional 5.4 per cent have got group health.
         So, almost 62 per cent of the total health expenditure is out-
         of-pocket. Furthermore, only 0.9 per cent of houses are
         insured whereas in the US, more than 90 per cent of
         dwelling units enjoy cover. Once the customers are able to
         apprehend the product and its offerings, it builds a trust
         factor in them towards the insurer. For customers, the first
         go-to person must be the insurer in order to gain relevant
         and right information regarding any insurance product. The
         health insurance segment saw the launch of standardized
         insurance plans and policy clauses.

         To ease up OPD consultations during the pandemic, IRDAI
         also asked insurers to include coverage for telemedicine if
         the plan allowed OPD coverage. This made health plans
         more inclusive in their scope and also allowed policyholders
         to avail of digitized treatments without the risk of infection.  Understanding the need of coverage against Covid, the
                                                              IRDAI introduced two standard Covid -oriented plans -
         To increase health insurance penetration and to make health  Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak. While the former is an
         plans affordable, the concept of instalment premium was  indemnity oriented policy without deductibles or limits, the
         launched. Now, policyholders can opt to pay premiums in  latter is a fixed benefit plan that pays the sum insured in
         monthly, quarterly or half-yearly instalments if the annual  lump sum in case of hospitalisation for 72 hours or more due

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