Page 112 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 112

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

(ii) External Appliances - These are mobile
     mechanically driven fire engines, trailor pumps
     and hydrant system installed in the compound.
     Hydrant system involve the provision of
     adequate water supplies along with piping, hoses,
     nozzles etc by means of which water can be
     brought to the site of fire.

(iii) Sprinkler Installation - This is a device
     designed for automatic detection and
     extinguishment of a fire by the use of water in
     its initial stages. Its operation causes an alarm
     bell to sound.

(iv) Special Extinguishment Systems - These are
     automatic medium and high velocity water spray
     systems. They are used to protect special
     hazards, e.g, for extinguishing fire in open tanks
     of certain high flashing flammable liquids and
     for protecting storage tanks containing low
     flashing hazardous liquids or gases.

Carbon dioxide extinguishers, Dry chemical
extinguishers, Foam systems etc are some of the

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