Page 104 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 104

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                     prescribed  by  the  Central  Government  by       1947.
                     notification  in  the  official  gazette,  having      In case the exemption is available only to a
                     regard  to  the  limit  applicable  to  Central    worker covered under the Industrial Dispute
                     Government employees.                              Act, then compensation has obviously to be
                     In view of aforesaid language used in respect      paid to such workmen u/s 25F of Industrial
                     of employees other than the employees of the       Dispute  Act  and,  accordingly,  there  is  no
                     Government  department  and  employees             need of any other limit prescribed under this
                     covered under the Payment of Gratuity Act,         section. Further, reference to any other Act,
                     notification is required to be issued from time    Contract, Award, etc. is redundant.
                     to time by the Central Government.                 Recommendation: It is suggested that the
                     Recommendation : It is suggested that the          scope of section 10(10B) should be extended
                     requirement  of  separate  notification  by  the   to  all  the  employees  whether  under  the
                     Central Government in respect of employees         Industrial Dispute Act or not and a limit for
                     other  than  the  employees  of  the  Central      the  purpose  of  exemption  should  be
                     Government  can  be  done  away  by                prescribed, may be the limit on the basis of
                     straightaway  providing  the  limit  as  is        retrenchment  compensation  for  which  a
                     applicable to Central Government employees         workman  is  entitled  u/s  25F  of  Industrial
                     or as is provided in Payment of Gratuity Act.      Dispute Act  or  any  other  limit  as  may  be
                     [It may be stated that presently the notification   considered appropriate.
                     increasing the exemption limit to Rs.20 lacs   4.  Restructuring  of  provisions  regarding
                     has not been issued for the purpose of clause      charitable institutions:
                     (iii)  of  section  10(10)  of  Income-tax  Act      Presently  there  are  different  provisions
                     whereas the limit for the Central Government       applicable  to  charitable  institutions  u/s
                     employees as well as under Gratuity Act has        10(23C)  and  section  11  to  13  of  the  Act.
                     been  raised  quite  some  time  ago  and          Definition of term ‘charitable purpose’ has
                     employees  as  well  as  employers  are  in        been given in section 2(15) of the Act. There
                     difficulty  in  the  absence  of  the  notification   is  lot  of  litigation  presently  as  regards  the
                     increasing  the  exemption  limit.  Such           definition of charitable purpose as well as of
                     problems  can  be  avoided,  if  necessary,        application of income etc.  As per the existing
                     amendment, as suggested above, is made in          provisions      a  charitable  institution  is
                     the section.]                                      permitted  to  accumulate  its  income  for  a
                 3.  Section 10(10B) – Exemption in respect of          period of five years and income applied for
                     compensation received on retrenchment:             capital  expenses  is  also  allowable  as
                     The  section  provides  that  compensation         deduction.   In view of the fact that capital
                     received on retrenchment by a worker under         expenditure  is  allowed  as  application
                     the Industrial Dispute Act or under any other      towards charitable purpose, it has become a
                     Act or Contract of Service, etc. subject to the    general  phenomenon      that  educational
                     limit of the amount as calculated as per section   institutions, hospitals, etc. in some cases, are
                     25F of Industrial Dispute Act or amount as         being run as industry and are charging high
                     may be notified which at present is Rs.5 lacs.     fees for the services provided by them and
                     The term ‘worker’ has been defined to mean         amount  is  accumulated  and  is  spent  for
                     the worker under the Industrial Dispute Act,       setting up another school, college or hospital.


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