Page 108 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 108

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                          w.e.f.  asst.  year  2020-21  is  quite  high      “Instances have come to the notice of the
                          and has impacted significantly cash flow      Board  where  assessees  have  claimed
                          of companies who otherwise have low           that  they  have  been  forced  to  confess
                          taxable  income  or  have  incurred  tax      undisclosed income during the course of
                          losses.  With  the  phasing  out  of          the  search  and  seizure  and  survey
                          exemptions  and  deductions  available        operation. Such confession, if not based
                          under the Act, the burden of MAT should       on  credible  evidence,  are  retracted  by
                          also be reduced to 12 per cent(in place of    the  concerned  assessees  while  filing
                          current  level)  so  that  it  may            r e t u r n   o f   i n c o m e .   I n   t h e s e
                          commensurate with the phasing out of          circumstances,  confession  during  the
                          tax exemptions and incentives.                search and seizure and survey operation
                     c)   Presently,  the  amount  of  loss  brought    do  not  serve  any  useful  purpose.  It  is,
                          forward  or  unabsorbed  depreciation         therefore, advised that there should be
                          whichever is less as per books of account     focus and concentration on collection of
                          is  allowed  as  a  deduction  while          evidence  of  income  which  leads  to
                          computing book profit for the purpose of      information  on  what  has  not  been
                          MAT please refer Expl 1 part 2 item (iii)     disclosed or is not likely to be disclosed
                          to 115JB. The said provision adversely        before  the  Income-tax  department.
                          affects  companies  which  have  huge         Similarly,  while  recording  statement
                          book  losses  and  lesser  unabsorbed         during the course of search and seizure
                          depreciation  as  they  will  have  to  pay   operation, no attempt should be made to
                          MAT  despite  having  ample amount  of        obtain confession as to the undisclosed
                          book losses thereby affecting their cash      income.”
                          flows.  It  is  suggested  to  review  the      In  practice  the  above  Instruction  is
                          provision  to  make  it  liberal.  Both       generally  ignored  by  the  officials  of
                          depreciation and brought forward losses       department going for Search or Survey.
                          should  be  fully  allowed  even  for  the    In fact it is not practicable for the taxpayer
                          purpose of MAT. The methodology for           to ascertain during search itself that how
                          computing  loss  brought  forward  and        much  income  he  should  declare  in
                          unabsorbed depreciation as per books of       absence of necessary details and due to
                          account may be specifically provided in       the  necessity  to  consult  his  business
                          section 115JB of the Act.                     associates,  family  members  and  staff.
                 15A.  Disclosure  during  Income  Tax  Search/         With a view to streamline the process of
                     Survey : The CBDT had issued following             search and survey and with a view to do
                     Instruction dated March 23, 2003:                  justice  we  make  the  following
                     In  the  light  of  the  statements  recorded      suggestions :
                     followed by retractions on the ground of       a)  The copy of statement recorded during
                     coercion  and  threat  in  the  course  of         Search should be given to taxpayer with
                     search and survey operations, the Board            copy  of  Panchnama  itself.  In  case  of
                     issued the Instructions F.No. 286/2/2003           survey  also  the  copy  of  statement
                     – IT (Inv.) dated March 23, 2003 stating as        recorded  should  be  instantly  provided
                     follows:                                           during Survey.


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