Page 110 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 110

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                     We recommend that sub-section(3) may be            Recommendation:   In case the appeal is not
                     inserted to section 207 to provide that the        decided by CIT(A) within the time limit u/s
                     provisions of sub-section (1) of section 207       250(6A)  of  the Act,  the  appeal  should  be
                     shall not apply to Hindu Undivided Family          deemed to be allowed.
                     if  it  does  not  have  any  income  chargeable      Making the aforesaid provisions in the Act will
                     under the head “Profits and gains of business      not in any way bring any adverse result for the
                     or profession” and the Karta of the HUF is of      obvious  reason  that  when  there  is  compulsion
                     age of 60 years or more. Such provision will       under law the Assessing Officer or the CIT(A)
                     immensely help the HUFs being looked after         will definitely take the necessary action within
                     by senior citizen as its Karta.                    the stipulated time limit. It will bring a discipline
                                                                        in the performance of the officers.
                 19.  Taxability of income on notional basis:
                                                                    21.  Exercising of powers u/s 263 of the Act:
                     The  concept  of  taxability  of  income  on
                     notional basis either under the head ‘income       It is being practically seen that powers u/s
                     from  house  property’  or  under  other           263 are exercised in a routine manner and in
                     provisions of Income-tax Act should be done        spite  of  detailed  submissions  or  legal
                     away. Only the actual income received by an        requirements,  no  care  is  taken  by  the
                     assessee should be chargeable to tax.              concerned  officers.  It  is  necessary  that  the
                                                                        provisions  should  be  more  specific,  duly
                     Similarly, no disallowance of any expenditure      supported  by  the  necessary  guidelines  for
                     actually  incurred  by  an  assessee  as  per  the   exercising   the powers under these sections.
                     method of accounting employed by it should         For this purpose, there should also be proper
                     be made and for this purpose provisions like       training and also check within the department
                     section 43B etc. should be deleted.
                                                                        so that actions taken are upheld in appeals. It
                 20.  Time limit for carrying out appeal effectby       is  well  known  that  because  of  casual
                     the Assessing Officer orpassing Order by           approach of the officers actions taken under
                     Appellate Authority:                               above sections in most of the cases fail in
                     Presently, the Act provides for time limit for     appeals.  We  welcome  the  amended
                     completing  assessment  by  the  Assessing         provisions of sec. 147, 148 and new section
                     Officer. There is no doubt as regards the legal    148A inserted in Finance Act, 2020.
                     position that in case the assessment order is   22.Provisions  regarding  levy  of  penalty  for
                     not framed within the specific time limit, the     under-reporting  or  mis-reporting  of
                     Assessing  Officer  cannot  make  the              income: Sec. 270A
                     assessment order thereafter.   Similar should      As is well known there had been substantial
                     be the position in regard to appeal effect. In     litigation in respect of provisions of section
                     case the Assessing Officer does not take the       271(1)(c) of the Act. Provisions of section
                     necessary  action  within  the  stipulated  time   270A have been inserted w.e.f. A.Y. 2017-18.
                     limit,  the  action  will  be  deemed  to  have    The  terms  ‘under-reporting’  or  ‘mis-
                     resulted  in  favour  of  the  assessee  and  no   reporting’ are likely to be subject matter of
                     adverse  order  can  be  passed.    Otherwise,     litigation. Further, it is also not clear that at
                     placing time limits for appeal effect, etc. have   what stage the Assessing Officer will levy the
                     not brought any effective result and still the     penalty  and  will  determine  whether  it  is  a
                     matters  continue  to  be  pending  with  the      case  of  under-reporting  or  mis-reporting.
                     Assessing Officer for quite long time.


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