Page 105 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 105

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                     Accordingly,  the  whole  purpose  of  the         income may be allowed to be utilised for the
                     institution,  being  charitable,  has  been        purpose of charitable activities being run by
                     defeated in many cases and practically they        the institution.
                     are  being  run  as  commercial  institution.     5.   Weighted deduction on scientific research
                     Inspite of amendment in the definition of the      expenditure section 35
                     term ‘charitable purpose’ in section 2(15) of
                     Income-tax  Act,  the  purpose  has  not  been   a)  It is well recognised that scientific research is
                     served.                                            the lifeline of business in all countries of the
                                                                        world. Indian residents are paying huge sums
                     Recommendation:  In  order  to  avoid  the         by way of technical services, fees to foreign
                     litigation  and  also  to  create  a  situation  that   technicians  to  upgrade  their  products  and
                     institution  really  works  as  a  charitable      give  the  customers  what  latest  technology
                     institution it is suggested that:-                 gives  globally.  If  in-house  research  is
                     (i)  The objects and purpose of an institution     continuously encouraged, outgo on account
                     be  examined  in  detail  while  granting          of fees for technical services will reduce and
                     registration to a charitable institution by the    this will help indigenous businesses to grow.
                     Commissioner  of  Income-tax.  For  this           Like made in India, ease of doing business
                     purpose,  detailed  guidelines  as  regards  the   and encouragement to start up initiatives of
                     charitable purpose should be there by way of       the  government,  innovation  and  scientific
                     notification in the rules. The Commissioner        research  initiative  should  be  given  equal
                     once  examine  and  grant  registration,  the      weightage.
                     institution will continue to be recognised as   b)  Withdrawal of weighted deduction in respect
                     charitable.  May  be  for  this  purpose  an       of scientific research expenditure will put a
                     independent  authority  known  as  a  ‘Charity     dent to the ‘Make in India’ initiative of the
                     Commissioner’  be  appointed  by  the              Government.
                     Government, as it exists in certain states. The
                     system  of  fresh  registration  and  renewal   c)  Recommendation: It is recommended that
                     introduced by the Finance Act, 2020 seems          weighted  deductions  allowed  under  the
                     unnecessary and needs review.                      Income Tax Act, 1961 to various modes of
                                                                        scientific  research  expenditure  should  be
                     (ii)  As at present 15% of income should be        continued.  The  Government  can  also
                     permitted  to  be  accumulated  without  any       consider introducing benefits in the form
                     condition.                                         of Research Tax Credits which can be used
                     (iii)  The  restriction,  as  at  present,  that  no   to  offset  future  tax  liability  (like  those
                     charitable institution can carry on the business   given in developed economies).
                     unless  specific  conditions  provided  under     6.   Allow  deduction  for  corporate  social
                     section 11(4A) are complied with, should be        responsibility expenditure Sec. 37
                     done away with. Income of a business, applied
                     for a charitable purpose, should be considered   a)  At present the Income Tax Act provides that
                     as receipt of charitable institution.  In respect   the expenses incurred by the taxpayer on the
                     of the business separate books of account may      activities  relating  to  CSR  referred  to  in
                     continue to be maintained. WE suggest that         Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 shall
                     the income arising from such business should       not be deemed to be incurred for the purpose
                     be considered as receipt / income and such         of business and hence, shall not be allowed as
                                                                        a deduction for computation of income. The


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