Page 106 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 106

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                     corporate  sector  spending  on  CSR  is  for           presumptive  income  in  case  of
                     laudable purposes andeffectively assisting              professionals should be at the rate of 30
                     the  Government  in  undertaking  social                per cent of gross receipt. It may be noted
                     projects  for  the  country.  Therefore,  the           that  RV  Easwar  Committee  had
                     deduction must be allowed for expenses on               suggested the rate of one third of gross
                     CSR for the purpose of Income tax.                      receipt  of  professional  receipts.  The
                 b)  Recommendation:  It is recommended that                 realistic  presumptive  rate  will
                     a deduction of CSR expenses incurred by                 encourage more and more professional
                     the taxpayers pursuant to the policy of the             to  opt  for  the  scheme  under  section
                     Central Government and provisions of the                44ADA.
                     Companies  Act  should  be  allowed  in        9.  Deduction under Sec. 54EC:
                     computing business income.                         We  suggest  that  the  monetary  limit  of

                 7. Monetary Limit for Tax Audit of Accounts:           investment  in  specified  bonds  should  be
                     a)   Considering the inflation, the Monetary       increased from present Rs. 50 Lakhs to at
                          Limit for Tax Audit of Accounts under         least  Rs.  1  Crore  on  sale  of  each  long-
                          section 44AB should be reviewed and           termasset.  Secondly  the  time  limit  for
                          increased  to  Rs.  2  Crore  in  place  of   making investment in such Bonds should
                          present Rs. 1 Crore.                          be allowed upto the due date of filing the
                                                                        Income Tax Return by the assessee instead
                     b)   In this context we would like to bring to     of present time period of only 6 months
                          your kind notice that eligible business       from the date of sale of original asset. This
                          for  the  purpose  of  section  44AD  is      will be in line with the time limits provided
                          considered  if  total  turnover  or  gross    for the purpose of sec. 54 and 54F.
                          receipt  in  the  previous  year  does  not
                          exceed Rs. 2 Crore. That means that if        Moreover  the  benefit  of  section  54  EC
                          they  opt  for  presumptive  Income           should also be extended to capital gains on
                          scheme, the tax audit is not required even    all assets. It should not be restricted to only
                          if the gross turnover is up to Rs. 2 Crore.   in case of capital gain arising from land or
                          On similar lines the monetary limit for       building or both.
                          tax  audit  should  be  enhanced  to  Rs.2   10.   Capital Gain Exemption Sec. 54F:
                          Crores.                                       The  existing  section  54  F  provides  for
                 8.   Presumptive  Income  is  case  of                 deduction of Long-Term Capital Gain if the
                     professionals:                                     sale consideration is utilised in purchasing of
                     a)   The  Presumptive  Income  is  case  of        or construction of a residential house within
                          professionals  is  considered  under          specified  period.  We  suggest  that  the
                          section 44ADA at the rate of 50 per cent      deduction should be allowed on purchase of
                          of gross receipts which is quite excessive    any immovable property whether residential
                          even  while  we  compare  with  the           or  business  or  office  premises.  Such  an
                          presumptive income of 8 per cent or 6         amendment will also help the housing sector
                          per  cent,  as  the  case  may  be,  for      and will make the deduction more useful. It
                          computing profit and gains of business,       may be mentioned that for the purpose of this
                          as prescribed under section 44AD. The         deduction the sale consideration of original
                                                                        asset has to be invested instead of only capital


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