Page 109 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 109

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                 b)  A copy of search warrant should be given           higher authorities.  The Assessing Officer in
                     to party on the day of search.                     the assessment may make an addition in

                 c)  The copy of seized documents and books             respect  of  particular  issue  but  will  not
                     should be provided to the taxpayer within          raise  the  demand  in  case  the  issue  is
                     15 working days of completion of search            already  in  favour  of  the  assessee.
                     or from the date receipt of application from       Similarly, if the issue is against the assessee
                     the taxpayer.                                      and he is agitating in further appeals, the
                                                                        order  of  higher  authorities  will  be
                 d)  The  taxpayer  should  be  permitted  to           applicable to subsequent years also.
                     make  disclosure  of  income  within  15
                     working days after providing him the copy      17.  Initiation of proceedings against directors
                     of seized documents/ books. The benefit            u/s 179 of the Income-tax Act:
                     of  tax  rate  /  exemption  from  penalty,        In many cases provisions of section 179 are
                     available in case of disclosure should be          being resorted by the Assessing Officer even
                     made  available  in  case  of  disclosure          prior to decision in appeal by CIT (A) or ITAT
                     within 15 working days as aforesaid.               and also without firstly exhausting its remedy
                                                                        for  recovery  of  tax  demand  against  the
                 e)  The  above  changes  will  be  helpful  in
                     avoiding the present trend of retractions.         company. Provisions of section 179 are to be
                                                                        resorted  to  only  if  the  demand  has  been
                 17.   Avoidance of repetitive appeals on the same      finally settled and the Assessing Officer is
                     issue: Section 158A/ 158AA                         not  able  to  recover  the  same  from  the
                     In regard to repetitive appeals though there are   company.  Proceedings are not to be used for
                     presently  provisions  of  sections  158A  and     harassment  of  the  directors,  or  threatening
                     158AA  of  the  Income-tax  Act,  but  these       them  by  attaching  their  personal  bank
                     provisions are not effective and same are not      accounts. Necessary   provision needs to be
                     being used at all. These should be followed.       made in the section to exclude action at least
                     Recommendation:  It  is  suggested  that  the      in case of Independent Directors.
                     law should clearly provide that in case an issue   18.   Scope of Section 207(2) may be extended to
                     has been decided either in favour or against       HUFs
                     the assessee in an earlier year, there will be no      Section  207  (2)  of  the  Income  tax  Act
                     need to file appeal either by the assessee or the   provides that: The provisions of sub-section
                     department in a subsequent year in case the        (1) [relating to payment of advance tax] shall
                     issue is identical. Provisions of section 154 of   not apply to an Individual residents in India,
                     the Act should be applicable in such cases to      who –
                     rectify all subsequent assessments in the light
                     of decision in respect of appeal in earlier year      a)   Does not have any income chargeable
                     by ITAT, High Court or the Supreme Court.  In           under  the  head  “Profits  and  gains  of
                     other words, in case an issue has been decided          business or profession”; and
                     by  CIT(A)  in  favour  of  the  assessee,  in      b)   Is of age of 60 years or more at any time
                     subsequent years it should not be necessary             during the previous year.
                     for  the  assessee  to  file  the  appeal  before   Recommendation:  For  many  provisions
                     CIT(A) and the order for a subsequent year         including  section  80C  the  HUFs  are
                     should be rectifiable in the light of decision of   treated at par with Individual tax payers.


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