Page 43 - Life Insurance Today July - December 2020
P. 43

S.   Segment       Item                         LIC             Private Sector          Total
          No.                                      2018-19    2019-20  2018-19    2019-20    2018-19    2019-20
          3.   New Business  Premium (Rs. crore)  1,42,335.96 1,78,276.24  72,667.08  80,986.14  2,15,003.04  2,59,262.38
               Premium (1+2)  Growth (%)              5.69      25.25    22.17      11.45      10.74      20.59
                             Market share (%)        66.20      68.76    33.80      31.24       100         100
          4.   Renewal       Premium (Rs. crore)  1,95,169.11 2,01,113.36  97,959.88 1,12,534.45  2,93,129.00  3,13,647.81
               Premium       Growth (%)               6.33       3.05    20.78      14.88      10.76       7.00
                             Market share (%)        66.58      64.12    33.42      35.88       100         100
          5.   Total Premium  Premium (Rs. crore)  3,37,505.07 3,79,389.60 1,70,626.96 1,93,520.59  5,08,132.03  5,72,910.19
               (3+4) = (6+7)  Growth (%)              6.06      12.41    21.37      13.42      10.75      12.75
                             Market share (%)        66.42      66.22    33.58      33.78       100         100

                                                Linked & Non-Linked Premium

          6.   Linked Premium  Premium (Rs. crore)  813.50     761.58  75,338.67  82,288.08  76,152.17  83,049.66
                             Growth (%)              -8.57      -6.38    17.79       9.22      17.43       9.06
                             Market share (%)         1.07       0.92    98.93      99.08       100         100
          7.   Non-Linked    Premium (Rs. crore)  3,36,691.57 3,78,628.02  95,288.29 1,11,232.51  4,31,979.87  4,89,860.53
                             Premium Growth (%)       6.10      12.46    24.36      16.73       9.65      13.40
                             Market share (%)        77.94      77.29    22.06      22.71       100         100

                             Chart I.6:                                           Chart I.7:
             New Business Premium of Life Insurers                     Total Premium of Life Insurer

                             Chart I.8: Trend in Premium Underwritten by Life Insurers

         Life Insurance Today                     July - December 2020                                        43
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48