Page 12 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 12

The following three regulations have  year on plans that offer immediate or  network  of  banks  through  their
          been repealed: Insurance Regulatory  delayed annuities, and 10% of all single  branches throughout the entire nation.
          and Development Authority of India  premiums received in a given year on  According to IRDAI, banks are involved
          (Payment of Commission) Regulations,  group pure risk policies.      in the distribution of insurance products
          2023; Insurance Regulatory and Devel-                                in their capacities as master policyhold-
          opment Authority of India (EoM of In- IRDAI establishes a com-       ers, corporate agents, or both, subject
          surers transacting Life Insurance Busi-  mittee to boost banks' in-  to the relevant regulatory framework.
          ness) Regulations, 2023; and Insurance
          Regulatory and Development Author- volvement in the sale of in-      It stated that although banks have the

          ity of India (EoM of Insurers transact-  surance goods               option to establish a different legal com-
          ing General or Health Insurance Busi-                                pany to act as insurance brokers for the
                                            A high-level panel has been established  distribution of insurance goods, they
          ness) Regulations, 2023.
                                            by regulator IRDAI to recommend ways  have not yet taken this option. The In-
          The exposure draft has maintained and  to encourage banks to participate in  surance Regulatory and Development
          is still proposing an EoM cap of thirty  making insurance products easily acces-  Authority of India (IRDAI) stated in a
          percent for general insurers and thirty-  sible throughout the nation. The con-  circular that "leveraging the vast bank
          five percent for standalone health in-  tribution of the lenders as corporate  branch network is one way of reaching
          surers.                           agents was 5.93 percent of non-life pre-  the last mile and making insurance prod-
          As stated in the draft, life insurers are  miums and 17.44 percent of new busi-  ucts available to the nook and corner of
          not allowed to spend more than 5% of  ness premiums for life insurance in 2022-  the country" when establishing the
          all single premiums collected in a given  2023, notwithstanding the extensive  taskforce on bancassurance.
                                                                               The regulator stated that in order to
           Bima Vahak rules will take effect when the all-in-                  accomplish the goal, it is deemed nec-

           one Vistaar product is released.                                    essary  to  examine  the  current
                                                                               bancassurance intermediation model
           According to the insurance regulator, the rules for the women-focused insur-  and make any required changes to the
           ance distribution channel, Bima Vahak, would be enforced with the introduc-  regulatory framework that oversees it,
           tion of Bima Vistaar.
                                                                               with an emphasis on safeguarding the
           The last details of a comprehensive standard insurance policy called Bima  interests of policyholders.
           Vistaar are being worked on by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
                                                                               J Meena Kumari, Executive Director
           Authority of India (IRDAI), with a launch date anticipated soon.
                                                                               (Life), IRDAI, is in charge of the task
           "The Bima Vistaar launch date will be the effective date of the Insurance  force. Banks and insurance industries
           Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Bima Vahak) Guidelines,  are also represented on the panel. The
           2023. It is a comprehensive insurance product that will be offered in due  group has been requested to recom-
           course," the regulator stated in an announcement.                   mend regulatory provisions regarding
           In order to improve insurance inclusion and raise awareness in every village  bancassurance partners' market con-
           and gram panchayat, Bima Vahak's primary goal is to create a women-cen-  duct standards, particularly in light of
           tric dedicated distribution channel. This will increase insurance's accessibility  allegations regarding forced and mis-
           and availability throughout the entire nation.                      represented sales under the distribu-
                                                                               tion model.
           Its goal is to find and create locally based resources that are trusted and
           valued by the people living in their village or gram panchayat, and who are
           aware of and sensitive to the needs of the community.                            Join

           Every insurer should work with individual Bima Vahaks and/or Corporate Bima  Online Certificate Course
           to gradually cover every gram panchayat, in accordance with Bima Vahak             on
                                                                                 Digital Trends in Motor
           Before December 31, 2024, all gram panchayats must have installed Bira
           Vahaks. To guarantee that gram panchayat coverage is maximized, lead in-      Insurance
           surers of each State and Union Territory (as specified in the Annexure) must  For details please visit
           coordinate resource deployment, according to IRDAI.        

            12    December 2023  The Insurance Times
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