Page 16 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 16


                                            $60 m is raised in Series B India has defied the Asian
           Aviva Life faces search
                                            by InsuranceDekho.                 trend  by  valuing  life
           by GST authorities
                                            Leading insurtech business in India,  insurers  more  highly:
           Indian  tax  inspectors  recently
                                            InsuranceDekho,  has  achieved  a
           raided the Aviva Life in New Delhi  noteworthy milestone with the $60  Report
           and took records as part of their  million it has raised in its current Series  According to a McKinsey analysis, life
           probe into possible tax cheating.                                   insurers in India have been valued
                                            B fundraising round. The company has
           According  to  two  of  the  three  drawn new high-profile investors to its  higher  than  those  in  other  Asian
           sources-who  wished  to  remain  capital table and reinforced the trust  nations like China, Japan, and Taiwan,
           anonymous due to the sensitive   of  current  investors  with  its  most  making the Indian life insurance market
           nature of the subject-officials from  recent  capital  infusion,  which  is  a  a bright spot in the region.
           India's Directorate General of GST  combination of debt and equity.  Between 2012 and 2022, the valuation
           (Goods  and  Services  Tax)      The  Gurugram-based  business  has  of life insurers in the region decreased
           Intelligence  also  confiscated  raised a total of $200 million in funding  and eventually converged with that of
           laptops and questioned a number  through this, its second fundraising  insurers worldwide. In markets like
           of officials, including CEO Asit Rath  round of 2023, further solidifying its  Taiwan and Japan, population declines
           and Chief Financial Officer Sonali  standing as the top Indian insurtech.  and slower  growth  were the  main
           Athalye,  during  their  visit  on  The insurer BNP Paribas Cardif, the  causes of this. The slowdown in China's
           November 7.                      Japanese behemoth  Mitsubishi UFJ  economy has  an adverse effect  on
           Aviva  Life  Insurance,  India   Financial Group, the Beams Fintech  valuations as well. However, the Indian
           provided  Reuters    with   a    Fund,  which focuses on India, and  market's  higher  values  have  been
           statement  that  said,  "We  can  Yogesh Mahansaria Family Office have  backed by robust underlying factors
           confirm that GST officials visited  all joined as new investors through  and healthy growth momentum.
           our head office site, and we are in  their insurtech fund, which is overseen  South East Asian countries are in the
           full cooperation with them." It did  by European investing powerhouse  middle; growth, which halted during
           not provide any more information  Eurazeo.                          the Covid19 pandemic, is gradually
           and  remained  silent  on  the   Avataar Ventures,  TVS Capital, and  picking up again, though at varying
           questioning of its executives.   Goldman Sachs Asset Management,    rates.  This  illustrates  the  difficult
           A request for comments via email  three  of  InsuranceDekho's  current  situation life insurers face in an area
                                                                               where investor perception and market
           was not immediately answered by  investors, increased their investment in  mood  are  strongly  entwined  with
           the  finance  ministry  of  India,  the business. The biggest Series A capital  technological,   economic,   and
           which  is  in  charge  of  the  GST  round raised by an Insurtech in South  regulatory factors.
                                            Asia, totaling $150 million, was obtained
                                            by InsuranceDekho in February.     In developed and growing nations,
                                                                        The Insurance Times  December 2023  15
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