Page 18 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 18

The  total  premium  income  for  the  Rs15920.13 crore, while the premiums  decreased marginally year over year
         upcoming quarters is expected to be  of private insurers increased by 24.18  but increased in Q2FY24 compared to
         Rs. 2.1, a decrease of 10.72%  year  percent YoY to Rs 11,171.86 crore from  Q1FY24),  a  high  sensitivity  of
         over year.                         Rs 8,996.45 crore.                 embedded value to equity volatility,
                                                                               and a loss of market share as  it is
         With a 58.5 percent market share, LIC  The largest private insurance provider,
                                                                               outperformed by competitors in the
         continued to lead the industry in first-  SBI  Life  Insurance,  recorded  an
         year premium  income.  The market  increase in premiums of 40.06 percent  private sector.
         share for individual businesses was  to Rs 2753.29 crore, while HDFC Life  The possibility of another stake sale by
         40.35  percent,  while  for  group  Insurance experienced a YoY increase  the Indian government may also be
         businesses it was 70.26 percent.   of 13.20 percent to Rs 2188.04 crore.  taken into consideration by traders.
         At Rs. 3,304 crore, value of new business  Max Life Insurance had a growth of  Valuations also take these concerns
                                                                               into  account.  LIC  is  trading  at  a
         (VNB) decreased 10.1% year over year.  36.09% to Rs728.78 crore, while ICICI
                                                                               significant price/EV discount (less than
         The net VNB margin remained constant  Prudential Life Insurance reported a
                                                                               1x)  versus  its  competitors  in  the
         at 14.6% from the prior year.      YoY gain of 9.95% to Rs 1328.76 crore.
                                                                               private sector (often 3x or higher).
         The concentration on nonpar products,  Up till October 2023, LIC reported a YoY
         the realignment of product benefits and  reduction in premium of 22.71%, from  On a sequential basis, growth is strong,
         readjustment of margins under nonpar  Rs 140111.2 to Rs 108289.77 crore. The  but year over year, it is sluggish. In
                                                                               H1FY24,  the  group  annualized
         policies, and the degree of  pricing  private sector did, however, record a
                                                                               premium equivalent (APE) decreased
         competitiveness in the nonpar segment  15.16%  increase  during  the  same
                                                                               by 24.5% Y-o-Y to Rs. 7,990 crore, while
         all contributed to the flat margins.  period, reaching Rs 76906.05 crore.
                                                                               the  individual  APE  remained
                                            Among the private sector businesses,  unchanged  at  Rs.  14,640  crore.
         Life insurance companies           HDFC  Life  Insurance  reported  an  Participatory APE decreased by 2%
         witness premiums increase          increase in premiums of 18.27% to Rs  year over year inside the specific firm,
                                            15341.7 crore, while SBI Life Insurance  but non-participating APE increased by
         by 7.6%                            had a YoY improvement in premiums  19.8% year over year.
         Life Insurers saw a 7.64 percent year-  of 26.30% to Rs 19011.42 crore.
         over-year  (Y-o-Y)  increase  in  new  While Max Life Insurance had a growth  Par or with-profit policies are those
         business premiums (NBPs) for month of  of 27.87 percent to Rs 5004.1 crore,  that  give  policyholders  an  annual
         October  23.  This  increase  was                                     dividend payment equal to a portion of
                                            ICICI  Prudential  Life  Insurance  the insurance company's profits.
         bolstered  by  a  robust  increase  in
                                            increased by just 2% year over year.
         private sector  insurers'  premiums,                                  In spite of the increase in the share of
         which countered the decline recorded                                  non-par business, which is margin-
         by  the  government-owned  Life    Low value could help LIC           positive, the value of new business
         Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).  in  the  face  of  poor        (VNB)  margin was unchanged year
                                                                               over year. In H1FY24, the VNB margin
         The Life Insurance Council released  performance.                     was 14.61%, compared to 14.58% in
         data showing that in October 2023, the  Life Insurance Corporation of India  H1FY23. Even though the percentage
         life  insurance  market  received  Rs
                                            (LIC) saw a rise in embedded value (EV)  of non-par products increased, the VNB
         26,819.01 crore in premiums,  7.64
                                            as a result of the performance of the  margin increased as a result of the
         percent more than in the same month  equities market, notwithstanding its  increased  benefits  provided  to
         the previous year.                 lackluster growth through H1FY24.  policyholders, especially for annuities,
         LIC's  premiums  decreased  by  1.71  However, issues with its stock include  which caused the margins to decline
         percent  to  Rs15647.15  crore  from  sticky operational expenses (which  once more.


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                                                                        The Insurance Times  December 2023  17
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