Page 22 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 22




                                                                                        Dr. Soumi Mukherjee
         MV Cumberland- Negligence!! A
         Drawback of the Marine Insurance

           “Some of the vessels on which the Insurance brokers have secured insurance will be the colour of
           rust inside. That rust may be no thin veneer of oxidation but wastage so great as to render the
           ship unseaworthy.”
           Dr. S. Mukherjee, AFNI, AFRIN, MRINA

         S       hipping is a global business, involving many players  judgment of the master as to his proceedings to repair

                                                              damage or sell the ship. Generally, the work of a surveyor
                 and different jurisdictions in any single shipment of
                 cargo. A simple and single shipment could involve
                                                              falls into two categories: hull & machinery surveyance and
                 a bunch of problems associated with pitfalls where
          the unscrupulous seek to take advantage of those are not  cargo surveyance.' In the broad sense of the term, the "hull
                                                              surveyor" examines the entire ship and its fixtures and
          prepared. As the players are very often based in multiple  appliances to determine seaworthiness. In the narrow sense
          jurisdictions, and out of necessity deal with each other at  of the term, a "hull surveyor" is one who inspects the
          arm’s length. Through Brokers and Financial Institutions,  superstructure of the ship for leaks, worn surfaces and
          there is practically nil opportunity for physical checks.  structural weaknesses which could cause leakage or sinking
                                                              of the vessel.
          Shipping almost necessarily entails loss and injury to ships,
          cargo, human life and the environment.' As a matter of  A similar negligent ignorance in the survey of a vessel to
          course, the shipper, carrier and maritime worker will bear  keep the owner’s interest in good hope led to the torture
          some of these costs. In addition, however, today's admiralty  of a vessel, sinking it to the bottom of the ocean with all
          courts accommodate a growing number of other parties  cargo leading to the loss of the company, and the insurers.
          seeking to avoid the high costs associated with lost life and  The following article is the narration of such a sinking of the
          environmental cleanup. These litigants include nautical  vessel The Cumberland near the Pitcairn Island in 1987.
          officers, marine engineers, shipbuilders, stevedores, towage
          companies, and marine surveyors and classification societies.  Pitcairn Island is the only inhabited island in the group about
          In the eyes of the law, a marine surveyor is a professional.  1,500 miles southeast of Tahiti in the South Seas. It was
          In particular, the courts have defined a marine surveyor as  originally populated by mutineers from the HMS Bounty in
          a skilled workman whose profession "is to assist the  the 19th century. The island, one- and three-quarter square

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