Page 19 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 19


          Netherlands general insur-        try, accounting for 82.9% share of the  China motor insurance in-
                                            DWP in 2023. PA&H Insurance is ex-
          ance industry to reach $97        pected to maintain its leading position  dustry to reach $171.9 bil-
          billion by 2028                   until 2028, supported by an increase in  lion by 2028
          The Dutch general insurance industry  health awareness, especially after the  The motor insurance industry in China
          is expected to grow at a compound  pandemic. Moreover, rising concerns  is projected to grow at a compound
          annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.4%  about declining public health infra-  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5%
                                            structure and longer waiting periods
          from EUR70.8 billion ($72.3 billion) in                              from CNY871.2 billion ($129.1 billion)
                                            have prompted people to move to-
          2023 to EUR92.4 billion ($97.0 billion)                              in 2023 to CNY1.1 trillion ($171.9 bil-
                                            wards private health insurance.
          in 2028, in terms of direct written pre-                             lion) in 2028, in terms of gross written
          miums (DWP), forecasts GlobalData, a  Health insurance premium rates have  premiums  (GWP),  according  to
          leading data and analytics company.  been on the rise over the last couple  GlobalData,  a  leading  data  and
                                            of years, which will support PA&H in-  analytics company.
          GlobalData’s Insurance Database re-
          veals that the Dutch general insurance  surance growth. As per  the Health  According to GlobalData’s Insurance
          industry is expected to register an an-  Ministry,  the  average premium  for  Database, China’s motor insurance in-
          nual growth of 7.3% in 2023 and 5.1%  basic health insurance is expected to  dustry growth is expected to peak at
                                            increase by 8.1% in 2024 as compared
          in 2024. The growth will be supported                                6.1% in 2023. The growth will be sup-
                                            to 2023. PA&H insurance is expected
          by raising health awareness, increasing                              ported by increasing demand for new
          vehicle sales, and rising motor and  to grow  at  a CAGR  of  5.6%  during  energy vehicles (NEVs) and favorable
          health insurance premium rates due to  2023-28.                      regulatory reforms to increase the pric-
          inflation.                        Motor insurance is the second largest  ing cap for commercial motor insur-
                                            line of business, accounting for a 7.6%  ance.
          Sneha  Verma, Insurance Analyst  at
          GlobalData, comments: “The Dutch  share of the general insurance DWP in  Sravani Ampabathina, Insurance Ana-
                                            2023. Motor insurance is expected to
          general insurance industry has wit-                                  lyst at GlobalData, comments: “Motor
                                            grow by 3.3% in 2023, driven by an
          nessed an upward growth trend since                                  insurance in China is rebounding after
                                            increase in vehicle sales. As per the
          the slowdown in 2021 and grew by  European Automobile Manufacturers’  experiencing volatilities during 2018-
          3.2% in 2022. It is expected to reach  Association, vehicle sales for January-  21, arising from depressed economic
          its  peak  in  2023,  with  an  annual  October 2023 reached 317,323 units,  conditions, COVID-19, supply chain is-
          growth of 7.3%, supported by growing  up by 25.2% as compared to the same  sues, and regulatory challenges that
          health awareness as well as increasing  period in the previous year. In August  lowered premium prices. The situation
          vehicle sales.”                                                      recovered in 2022 with an increase in
                                            2023, the cumulative EV sales for 2023
          Personal Accident and Health (PA&H)  reached 108,043 units, an increase of  vehicle sales that  has continued in
          insurance is the leading line of business  72% as compared to the same period  2023.”
          in the Dutch general insurance indus-  in the previous year.         According to the China Association of

            18    December 2023  The Insurance Times
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