Page 20 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 20

Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM),   ket share in short-term insurance will  nual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.0% over
         total vehicle sales  recorded an  8%  also support growth over 2024–28.  2024–28, from CNY4.0 trillion ($597.1
         growth during January-August 2023 as  Deblina Mitra, Senior Insurance Ana-  billion)  in  2024  to  CNY5.6  trillion
         compared to the same period the pre-  lyst at GlobalData, comments: “In Ja-  ($893.2 billion) in 2028, in terms of di-
         vious year.                                                           rect written premiums (DWP), accord-
                                            pan, agencies are a prominent distri-
                                                                               ing to GlobalData, a leading data and
         Insurers’ premium collections are also  bution channel for life insurance prod-
         expected to benefit from higher pre-  ucts. The channel witnessed a dip in  analytics company.
         mium prices for NEVs. Typically, NEV  revenue in 2020 and 2021 due to the  According to GlobalData’s Insurance
         insurance premiums cost around 20%  COVID-19 outbreak that limited face-  Database, China’s life insurance indus-
         higher than internal combustion en-  to-face interaction, leading to slower  try is estimated to grow by 9.6% in
         gine vehicles. NEV sales accounted for  industry growth.              2024, supported by economic recov-
         29.5% of the total vehicle sales during                               ery, conducive regulatory develop-
                                            “The industry GWP recovered with
         January-August 2023 and recorded an                                   ments, and increased awareness of
                                            double-digit growth in 2022, primarily
         increase of 39.2%, as compared to the                                 health and financial planning after the
                                            after the regulator reclassified COVID-
         same period in the previous year, ac-  19 under the less severe Category Five  pandemic, which led to a rise in the
         cording to data from CAAM.                                            demand for whole life and personal
                                            infectious disease, leading to a revival
         To promote the sale of NEVs, in June  in agency sales. The trend is expected  accident and health (PA&H) insurance
         2023, the Chinese  government  ex-  to continue in 2023 and beyond, sup-  policies.
         tended the ongoing subsidy for NEVs  porting industry growth.”        Manogna Vangari, Insurance Analyst
         until 2027. The extended policy allows                                at GlobalData, comments: “After wit-
                                            The introduction of a new review sys-
         new NEVs bought in China until Decem-                                 nessing a slower growth of 2.8% in
                                            tem in early 2023 for agencies by the
         ber 31, 2025, to receive a 10% pur-  Life Insurance Association (LIAJ) will  2022, the Chinese life insurance indus-
         chase  tax  exemption  of  up  to                                     try is expected to witness a double-
                                            boost customer confidence and im-
         CNY30,000 (US$4,447.8). From Janu-  prove transparency, thereby positively  digit growth of 13.7% in 2023, driven
         ary 1, 2026, to December 31, 2027,  influencing the channel’s growth over  by economic recovery and the relax-
         the exemption will be halved.      2024–28. LIAJ has set 200 standards  ation of the zero COVID policy in De-
                                            related to governance, personal data  cember 2022, which has helped in in-
         Japan life insurance indus-        safety, customer support, and post-  creasing  the employment rate and
                                            sales service under the new system.  household disposable income.”
         try to exceed $350 billion         Agencies that qualify for these stan-  Whole life insurance is the largest life
         by 2028                            dards are assigned a higher credibility  insurance line, which is expected to

         The Japanese life insurance industry is  rating by the LIAJ. As of March 2023,  account for 78.3% share of the life in-
         forecast to grow at a compound an-  42 agencies were qualified by LIAJ.  surance DWP in 2023. The demand for
         nual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.0% from  Single-premium foreign-currency-de-  whole life insurance is driven by the
         JPY37.1 trillion ($289 billion) in 2024 to  nominated insurance products are also  country’s demographic factors, such as
         JPY40.2 trillion ($359.5 billion) in 2028,  expected to support  the industry’s  an aging society and a high life expect-
         in terms of gross written premiums  growth in 2023, as ultra-low domestic  ancy. According to GlobalData’s Mac-
         (GWP),  according  to  GlobalData,  a  interest rates since the late 1990s led  roeconomic Database, the population
         leading data and analytics company.  to Japanese insurers offering policies in  above 65 years old increased to 191.6
                                            the US dollar and other foreign curren-  million in 2022 from 184.6 million in
         GlobalData’s Insurance Database re-
         veals that the Japanese life insurance  cies due to the higher interest rates  2021 and is forecast to reach 248.4
         industry is expected to grow by 4.6%  offered in those markets.       million in 2030.
         in 2023, supported by the revival of                                  PA&H insurance is the second largest
         agency distribution channels and per- China life insurance indus-     line, which is estimated to account for
         sistent demand for single premium for-  try to surpass $890 billion   21.4% share of the life insurance DWP
         eign currency-denominated insurance                                   in 2023. PA&H insurance is expected to
         products. Regulatory intervention in  by 2028                         grow at a CAGR of 4.8% during 2024-
         improving agency standards and in-  The Chinese life insurance industry is  28, supported by increasing health
         creasing competition for greater mar-  forecast to grow at a compound an-  awareness post-pandemic.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  December 2023  19
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